English, asked by chanakyastudyhub, 11 months ago

Write an article on-Make the Most What You Have​


Answered by ParagKulkarni


There is a famous quote by Teddy Roosevelt that has really struck home with me over the last few years:

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

I didn’t grow up with much, which was hard to understand sometimes when I was a kid, but I’m actually glad that I wasn’t born rich. My parents made some bad decisions with their finances over the years, but they always found ways to provide for our family. Their struggles with money warned me early on that mismanaging money can lead to a lot of stress and unhappiness, but they also taught me a lot of ways to be creative with the things we did have, and to appreciate the things we did have right then and there.

Making The Most Of What You Have In The Moment

I used to have a lot of fun making things out of ordinary items just lying around the house. I turned shoe boxes and picture wire into musical instruments, made new outfits and handbags out of old clothes and fabric scraps, and used strips of cardboard to organize my dresser drawers. Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity and a positive attitude to realize we have more than we think.

If you ever watched MacGyver, remember how he always found ways to solve problems with whatever was lying around when he was in a jam? I always thought that was so cool! Next time before you run out to the store to buy something, give yourself a chance to be resourceful and see if you already have something at your house that you can use instead. You’ll save money while being eco-friendly reusing what you already have.

Answered by anjanakurup728


"Make the most what you have"

As time moves on we get to know more about the things around us. If we take an example of the current situation; nothing to be amused its a pandemic corona virus. This pandemic taught us to adjust with what we have.

As lockdown started from March 23 every industrial sectors, Malls etc were ordered to shut down till the virus settle down or till we learn to handle it. We all kept ourselves locked in our house and enjoyed movies, lunch and other activities together. As days passed on money become a great question or topic for discussion among our parents. It was difficult to buy things in excess so that we keep it for further. We used to adjust with what we have and tried to be happy with it. Sometimes I used to be fed up with same diet everyday with no special snacks and deserts. But my parents really tried to make up with different items so that we children can enjoy at least their food. When it came to pay for internet in phone, father used to pay only in one phone so that who needed can share internet from hotspots. At first I really felt anger but gradually I and my brother used to line up for whose turn now to use internet as we can't use internet at far from hotspot. So in this way I made the most with what my family had.

So, its the lesson that this pandemic gave to us. " Make the most with what we have". Let's stop greediness and work for the people who really suffered more than us. They find it difficult to live and ended up in suicide and some moved to their native to get help for them. Let be a new human

Thank you,


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