Write an article on miss use of internet
Here's the Article :
Internet is a gift of science . Internet is the communication of networks among the computers of the world .
Internet can be used in positive way also in negative way. Now-a-days internet is missused by people. Internet is used by somepeople for different illegal activites . People are also using internet for many stupid things . There are lots of evils of internet . Our teenagers are oftenly seen to be distracted by internet . They forget their studies and they just want to be online. Social networking sites are most oftenly missused . Somepeople are seen to use it as Dating too . Our Youth has also forget about our culture and moral values due to influence of internet . Too much modernization has created a great distance between humans and Nature.
Even some educational websites at also used by somepeople for chatting and dating . Internet should be used for walfare purpose. Like digitalization of economy , internet banking and online shopping .
Happy learning
