English, asked by sachinarora4196, 1 year ago

Write an article on misuse of technology can affect the future of students


Answered by Anonymous
&lt;b&gt;Misuse of technology affecting the future of students<br /><br />You must have been familiar with the word 'atrophy'. If not,<br />the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines it as: 'the condition of<br />losing flesh, muscle, strength, etc. in part of the body because it is not<br />being used or because it does not have enough blood.' Man's increasing<br />dependence on technology has literally atrophied his intelligence. The worst<br />affected lot is ‘students’. Younger generation cannot live a moment without<br />technology. Not only intelligence, the effect of technology is visible on all<br />aspects of their life. Machines, gadgets, vehicles, smart-phones, tabs,<br />laptops, ac, blower, geyser, and whatnot, they cannot live for a second without<br />technology. Is this not misuse of technology. This misuse is not only<br />deteriorating our environment, but the physical, mental, intellectual, social,<br />and spiritual health of the young generation.

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