write an article on overpopulation and unhealthy conduction
The Problems of Over Population
There are several problems that affect the world today: war, crime, pollution, and several others. Overpopulation is a serious dilemma that is growing every year, every minute, and every second. It is the root of most, if not all, of the world’s problems1. It is the greatest global crisis facing humanity in the twenty-first century. Overpopulation is the major global problem because of several reasons. Most of the problems we have today, such as ocean depletion, food shortages, water shortages, air pollution, water pollution, and global warming are the effects of overpopulation2. The more people there are, the more resources consumed and the more waste created. A child born today in the United States for …show more content…
Mankind is increasing the greenhouse gas levels by burning fossil fuels and deforesting the earth7. As the population increases, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases rise rapidly which affect the ability of the outgoing energy to pass through the atmosphere, [which] effectively heats the Earth8. Another predicament is the acid rain created by air pollution, which in turn, is created by the increasing population. Acid rain’s spread and damage involves weather, soil, and the life cycles of plants and animals on the land9. Air pollution is created from the burning of fossil fuels in cars, trucks, planes, and homes. The smoke and fumes rise into the atmosphere and combine with the moisture in the air to form acid rain10. As it rains, it eats away on things they settle on and contaminates lakes, drinkable water, which affect plants and animals11. Overpopulation also causes conflict. If many people live very closely together, there is a greater chance of conflict, which results in higher crime and even sometimes war12.
Overpopulation is the condition where the number of existing living creatures and human population exceeds the limited habitats and resources to sustain them. Overpopulation of human is caused by higher rate of birth and lesser rate of death. Longevity of life and less mortality results from better medical care, awareness of hygienic living conditions, proper physical health awareness, balanced diet and better mother and child care before and after birth.
Various problems are associated with population explosion. The increased population puts pressure on our resources such as land, water and food as the demand increased. Overpopulation results in food scarcity, starvation and malnutrition. Overpopulation results in depletion of natural resources like fossil fuels and destruction of forests for housing and timber industries.
Human overpopulation causes greater pollution of air, land and water. This decreases the quality of life and results in various diseases and health problems. While man power is necessary for agricultural and industrial production, overpopulation leads to unemployment. Law and order situations also deteriorate. People must be educated and awareness on the hazards of overpopulation for mankind needs to be taken up urgently. The best means to control overpopulation is by practicing family planning.