English, asked by Awantika4885, 1 year ago

Write an article on patience is a virtue procrastination is an evil just do it


Answered by arpita8137

It is three in the morning, and a haggard man puts the finishing touches on a presentation that he has had a month to complete. A bright young boy scurries around the backyard collecting bugs for his big science project due the next morning. A grown woman packs at two in the morning for her six-thirty business trip. A man disappoints his wife with a gift of socks for Christmas, which was all he could find on Christmas Eve. What is wrong with these people? Why do normal, intelligent people fritter their time away; and wait till the last possible moment to do the necessary? In a word, procrastination. This phenomenon defies logic. Every other ugly duty is "gotten over with." We gulp down…show more content…

It is said that when faced with an overwhelming situation, we either have to laugh or cry. Many of us, on the other hand, just procrastinate. Daunting tasks tax all our faculties and need to be put aside if we are to complete our other duties. Some problems can be too challenging or too far out of our range of experience. If we started early and devoted ourselves to writing that speech, studying for that exam, or firing that friend, we would have time for little else. The bills wouldn't get paid, the kids wouldn't get fed, and the goldfish would go belly up. When asked to choose between carrying out our necessary everyday roles and performing an overwhelming task, the choice is easy: we do the small stuff. When consequences are lose-lose, we are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. The choice between two situations that both have potentially negative consequences is called an avoidance-avoidance choice by psychologists. According to Rod Plotnic, "as the time to decide in an avoidance-avoidance situation grows near, we often change our minds many times. Usually we wait until the last minute before making the final decision and (then) deal with the disagreeable consequences" (503). An avoidance-avoidance conflict is like having two crying babies to change and only one diaper. After the unpleasant task is completed, we still have one crying baby with a dirty diaper.

Answered by DiyaTsl


                " Patience is a virtue procrastination "

                                      BY XYZ

Patience means calm and self-control and not stressing even when there is a delay or waiting for something to happen that could normally happen more quickly. Impatience is the lack of tolerance or acceptance of delay in any situation,  urgent or not. Below are some typical situations that will test patience. Imagine you are standing in line at a diner, outside a movie theater or theater, or in a long line at a grocery store, supermarket, or major department store such as Sears, Wal-Mart, Lowes, or Home Depot. In these places you will soon experience  the tug of war between patience and impatience.But patience isn't just about buying impatience. In fact, patience has much more to do with  life. There are other things and events that will test our patience: health problems, work, jobs, our home or residence, and the state of our finances; All of these situations and events  are a real and essential part of the overall mix of needs and confusion in so many of our lives.  When you or someone you are with is impatient, it's not a good feeling, and impatience is rarely a good or healthy experience. Impatience and fear often go hand in hand . Fear can cause impatience, and impatience can increase fear. Soon there may be excitement and dismay and perhaps a touch of anger or even full blown anger. Whenever these are discovered or produced in you or anyone else, it's time to look for impatience formulas that work. There are no magic pills for people here, only common sense and wisdom will triumph for everyone.


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