English, asked by grishima1205, 1 year ago

write an article on poaching


Answered by shrawan85356


Animal poaching is a very worst thing that can't be imagine. It is a cruel act that can lead to destruction of animals. ... Due to this many animals are being endangered and some of them become extinct such as rhino is killed for its horn and due to this it lead to extinction of rhino. Tigers are the another example. 

Answered by Sanayasilawat


Article on poaching

Poaching is condemned because it robs a country or region of its distinct wildlife and puts many species on the verge of extinction. In India especially, poaching of tigers, rhinoceros, bears and elephants is very common and a challenge to be combatted.

The trade-in tiger bones, destined for use in Oriental medicine outside India’s borders, is posing a toweringly large threat in the country. Having decimated their own sources, Far Eastern traditional medicine manufacturers are now targeting India for their supply of tiger bones.

Poaching of tigers for the traditional Chinese medicine industry started in Northern India in the mid-1980s. Tiger poaching occurs in all areas where a large number of tigers have been recorded. Poaching is particularly prevalent in the States of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Mom.

Similarly, ivory poachers kill elephants indiscriminately. The teeth of the animal or ivory as it is called are widely used in making bangles, crockery and other items. Sadly, despite being venerated God and idolised on the big screen as man’s best friend, the elephant population is now shrinking terribly in wild due to poaching and loss of habitat. The Wildlife Protection Society of India has recorded a loss of over 121 elephants over a year. This alarming rate has shocked wildlife activists, public authorities and officers-in-charge out of their weeds

hope this will help u

thank u

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