English, asked by vanshika1banga, 9 months ago

Write an article on preservence of resources​


Answered by himanshusaroj147


we can preserve resources by without wasting them and we use carefully the resources because resources can fulfill our daily needs and if the resources can be once exhausted our life is impossible to survive and it's our responsibility to Perseve them for the future generations

Answered by upenderjoshi28

       Preserving Natural Resources

It is absolutely true God has endowed us with such a beautiful nature. It is our responsibility to conserve and protect it. If we fail to preserve and conserve it, we fail to continue to live on this beautiful planet. Man consumes natural products every second. Oxygen, water, plants, animals, minerals, petroleum, earth, trees, and many more. Unfortunately, shortsighted mankind has created irreparable imbalance and chaos in nature.  

Aldo Leopold wisely remarks, “Conservation and preservation is a state of harmony between man and environment. "Preservation is not an option; it is the only direst necessity. Without it, man may jeopardize his own survival. Our natural resources are not only precious, they are invaluable! Man has been so much engrossed in his progress and prosperity; he does not have time to see the irreparable damage that he is doing to the health of planet earth.  

The present rate at which the natural resources are being used is quite alarming. The rate of consumption is faster than the rate of their natural replenishment. If the rate of consumption is not reduced, soon all the natural resources will be used up. There won't be left anything for the coming generations. Now the question arises; "Are we to leave a scorched planet to the coming generations?" We will be called highly selfish generation, if we don't leave any natural resources for the future generations. We need to put our acts together. We must follow the principles of sustainable development. We must allow nature to replenish its resources.

Forests are the lungs of our planet earth, without forests our earth will be as barren as hell.  Most of the world oxygen that the animal species including man inhale is produced in the tropical rainforests. More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the tropical rainforests. They are important to the environment as they recycle water and regulate levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis. They are the world's full-time regulators of air and water. Their cutting will disturb the natural water cycles which will lead to the shortage of fresh-water in the water reserves of the world. The abundant bio-diversity and natural resources given to us by God are indispensable parts of the big WHOLE called life. We must maintain them for life to go on.

The tropical rainforests are also very important because they are home to an enormous number of plants and animals. Even more importantly, they are home to many unique plants and animals that do not exist anywhere else in the world.  If the tropical rainforests were to be destroyed, so would the homes of all these species. Without a home, many of these species could become extinct.  

Let's cooperate with nature to allow us to continue living in abundance. Let's not be selfish and avaricious. After all it is our responsibility to bequeath a healthy and prosperous planet. Being parents it is our moral responsibility. Let's take care of our planet and use the natural resources wisely and frugally! Man cannot create like God; however, man can conserve what he has received from God.

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