English, asked by kumarpratyush849, 1 year ago

Write an article on 'Raggin in Educational Institutions' in about 100 words.​


Answered by HiteshBagga30


Ragging is a kind of evil which has spread its wings even in educational institutes. It needs to be rooted out as early as possible so that the lives of innocent students, who become victims of it, can be saved. There is hardly any college where cases of ragging are unheard. Some ‘so-called’ senior students consider themselves superior to juniors and give juniors strange and embarrassing situations in order to make fun of them. If not followed, juniors are sometimes maltreated by their seniors to show off in front of others.

Ragging has given birth to enmity among students. One who becomes victim of it, plans to take revenge from the assaulter in any form. Therefore, we usually get to see that youngsters of our country that, they have been short-tempered and often lose their temper even on trifles. Even in some of the cases, victims are so humiliated that they don’t think twice before committing suicide. They not only end their lives but also their as well as their parents’ aspirations.

Supreme Court as well as high courts of India have taken this issue with a heavy hand and declared it as a criminal offence. Serious recommendations have been sent to all the colleges and universities to keep a hawk eye on such students who are involved in such malpractices. If any institution fails to comply with the recommendations of Supreme Court of fails to control such practices, their affiliation to UGC may be cancelled or a hefty fine can be imposed on them.

This is the only way we can stop ragging...

Answered by SatvikAwasthi


Ans. Ragging-An Evil

by Satvik

Ragging refers to an act that violates the dignity of a person. There are many complaints of physical and psychological injury due to ragging in educational institutions. It is a matter of shame that even though ragging has been criticized for decades, we still come across such incidents of inhuman torture. A recent incident of ragging at a prestigious school has shocked the entire city.

It is a pity that the practice has been going on for decades and the victims of last year become the perpetrators this year. These instances only see the daylight when a student commits suicide due to inhuman behaviour and it gets reported in the media. Though ragging in schools is still not as bad as ragging that takes place in colleges. Schools do provide a safe environment where teachers, parents and even student council bodies are engaged in anti-ragging campaigns and thus it prevents ragging from taking an ugly form. However, in collages when students are exposed to the real world with no protected environment or the involvement of teachers and parents, ragging takes its ugliest form, where senior students use force, ask for unsuitable demands, including sexual favours by their juniors which result in suicides or even campus murders. However, ragging is not limited to schools and colleges but it is an issue that the entire society needs to deal with. The mindset of ‘ has the right to force the weak’ is the basis of ragging which is a social evil, as it leads to disintegration and differences within society. This issue can be dealt with only when we make society more sensitive towards each other and also empower students not to be victimized but raise their voice in the face of ragging in any form

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