English, asked by deepika5240, 1 year ago

write an article on say no to drugs​


Answered by Anonymous


Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. Many people around the world are mostly seeking help of this drugs inorder to relieve themselves from sufferings, feelings of loneliness, stress , unhappy relationships and get high while seldom do they realize for this momentary pleasures they are putting there lives at stake. This often leads to drug abuse and addiction which is a serious issue. Drugs harm our physical mental and emotional well being in many ways. They make you irritable, aggressive, intolerant, addictive,overly stimulated. Also causes infections, possible heart failure, insomnia, depression, high blood pressure etc. People even after knowing it's side effects tend to ' try ' them out and fall into addiction eventually. Add more about the drugs and how it is proving to be a great threat to people especially teenagers who fall prey to it mostly. I suggest you to do some research on drugs ( examples like marijuana , LSD, heroine, morphine etc.) Write it in a persuasive by which the reader will be conscious regarding the harmfulness of drugs DRUGS WILL HAUNT YOU FOR LIFE. SAY NO TO DRUGS!

Answered by KamaldevSharma


Say no to drugs.

(By Kamaldev Sharma.)

Drug abuse is a common problem among teenagers all over the world. Drugs are chemical substances that produce physical, mental, behavioral or emotional changes in the person. Use of any drugs for other purpose other than medicinal use is known as drug abuse.

Once a person starts taking drugs, they become physically or psychologically dependent on the drugs. This dependence is known as addiction. Alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and marijuana are some of the common drugs. Nicotine is commonly available in the different forms such as Cigaratte, Bidi, Gutka and Pan Masala.

The Deadly disease of AIDS spread from the infected person by using or sharing syringes which are used for injecting drug and also spread by sexual contact with an infected person. Hence, It is important to so no to drugs and avoid them at all costs.

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