Write an article on social evils prevailing in our society in 150-200 words
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◆ Social Evils Prevailing in our
Society ◆
India has a reason to be proud of its women. India has a lady president . India, which is the largest democracy in the world had a lady prime minister, the iron woman Mrs. Indira Gandhi, woman Chief ministers and Governors.
Was it always like this ? No, there was a time When girls were not sent to school , they were kept within the four walls of the house . Girls were married at a very early age. If we go back to the 19th century, all kind of inhuman, virtual and derogatory punishments were perpetrated on woman for no faults of theirs. Their only crime was they were born as girls.
The parents wept at the birth of a girl child, the neighbours and friends sympathised with them and some suggested that the new born girl should be killed .
“Sati” or the the burning of the widow with the dead body of her husband was also a common practise in many parts of India. If She chose to remain a widow , her life was made miserable by snide remarks like ‘unauspicious’ and she was given very little food and her head was shaved off.
There are instances when girls in their teens were married to men, in their fifties. It was a forgone conclusion that the girl would become a widow. Why was there such a mismatch ? The poverty of the parents compelled them to marry their girls to old men.
Difference between men and women were not the only ones in the society. People in most regions were divided on caste lines — like Brahmans and Kshatriyas were considered as the upper castes . They were followed by Vaishyas, Who were mostly traders , merchants and money lenders . At the lowest rung of the society were the Shudrras who were Weaver's , potters , artisans , peasants . Last were the caste of people called the ‘untouchables’ . They were menial workers who lived outside the city. They could not enter the temples nor draw water from the wells . If they touched anything, it was polluted and not fit for consumption.
people who wanted to change the society were social reformers. such reformers was Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, pandita Ramabai, jyotiba phule and many more.
Society ◆
India has a reason to be proud of its women. India has a lady president . India, which is the largest democracy in the world had a lady prime minister, the iron woman Mrs. Indira Gandhi, woman Chief ministers and Governors.
Was it always like this ? No, there was a time When girls were not sent to school , they were kept within the four walls of the house . Girls were married at a very early age. If we go back to the 19th century, all kind of inhuman, virtual and derogatory punishments were perpetrated on woman for no faults of theirs. Their only crime was they were born as girls.
The parents wept at the birth of a girl child, the neighbours and friends sympathised with them and some suggested that the new born girl should be killed .
“Sati” or the the burning of the widow with the dead body of her husband was also a common practise in many parts of India. If She chose to remain a widow , her life was made miserable by snide remarks like ‘unauspicious’ and she was given very little food and her head was shaved off.
There are instances when girls in their teens were married to men, in their fifties. It was a forgone conclusion that the girl would become a widow. Why was there such a mismatch ? The poverty of the parents compelled them to marry their girls to old men.
Difference between men and women were not the only ones in the society. People in most regions were divided on caste lines — like Brahmans and Kshatriyas were considered as the upper castes . They were followed by Vaishyas, Who were mostly traders , merchants and money lenders . At the lowest rung of the society were the Shudrras who were Weaver's , potters , artisans , peasants . Last were the caste of people called the ‘untouchables’ . They were menial workers who lived outside the city. They could not enter the temples nor draw water from the wells . If they touched anything, it was polluted and not fit for consumption.
people who wanted to change the society were social reformers. such reformers was Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, pandita Ramabai, jyotiba phule and many more.
very nice answer akash
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