write an article on -
*Splitting India and our Leadership*
10 lines atleast please
splitting india and our leadership :
➡Many people in India felt that they did not want to be ruled by the British and wanted to govern themselves.
➡They weren't happy about things like economic problems as a result of rules put on them by the British.
➡There was also a lot of tension between Hindus and Muslims.
➡In the years leading up to independence, the idea for the new independent region to be divided into two separate states - India and Pakistan - was born.
➡India was formed mostly of Hindu regions, while Pakistan was mostly Muslim areas.
➡Since Partition, there has been conflict between India and Pakistan - particularly over an area called Kashmir, which both states say, even now, should belong to them.
➡Pakistan and India have gone to war with each other, and there was conflict when East Pakistan broke away and became Bangladesh.
➡There are still tensions and divisions in the country and many families have never been able to go back to where their ancestors used to live.
➡For people living in India and Pakistan, travelling to the other country is not easy - even if it is to visit their family.
➡Progress has been made, but just as the country was divided 70 years ago, there are still divisions to this day.