English, asked by kulungdingendi, 11 months ago

write an article on the health hazard of fast food for the local newspapers ​


Answered by Anonymous


Food is something that everyone needs every day. But fast food is so delicious and cheap that is becoming very hard to resist. Many people are fond of fast food such as French fries, burger, pasta, noodles, etc.

Unfortunately, fast food is one of the unhealthiest options when it comes to our health. Fast food success has drawn attention from one and all. Animal rights advocates and health specialists feel that it has an adverse effect on the health of the person who consumes it. Fast food not only leads to obesity among children and youth but also affects agricultural concern. Most fast food items have juices and enzymes which add up a lot of fat and calories in our diet. They lack in vitamins and fibre and other nutrients the body needs for proper functioning. Fast food eating leads to obesity, cardiovascular diseases and other physical problems.

The growing health hazards, due to fast food, can only be reduced when more and more people take a healthy and balanced diet. There needs to be a conscious attempt that people themselves take healthy dietary habits. Fast food outlets need to be regulated to ensure quality food. The fast-food products may seem a time saver and taste enhancer but they will never have the quality, benefit and love of the home-made items.

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