English, asked by sweetyrana1976, 4 months ago

Write an article on the importance of alternate sources of energy in future. Give a suitable



Answered by niharikareddymanam


In addition to the above answers, which are all valid and important points, we can also look at this from a national security and independence viewpoint.

We import 2/3 of the oil we use, and much of that comes from unstable countries (Nigeria, Iraq), or nations under the rule of a dictator (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait) where human rights violations are common.  We have had forces in and around Iraq for decades now, in order to secure this resource, which is very expensive, costly in terms of life and limb, and has the side effect of encouraging radical Islam.  So one could argue that alternative energy could free us from dependence on these regions, and the foreign policy consequences that come with that dependence.

Answered by saachi1098


Energy resources are very much important in the context of economic development of the country. With the growing industrialisation, mechanisation of agriculture, and the development of transportation sector, the demand for energy resources is increasing day by day.

Thus a positive correlation exists between economic growth and demand for energy. Moreover, consumption of energy for domestic uses and public lighting has also been increasing.

In India between 1952-53 to 1987-88 the GDP had increased annually at the rate of 3.7 per cent while the energy consumption had increased at the rate of 6.2 per cent per annum. Inspite of this, the per capita consumption of energy in India is low in comparison to that of developed countries. In India, more than half of the population does not possess the capacity to purchase commercial energy.

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