English, asked by instagrampulliango, 11 months ago

write an article on "The role of youth in combatting terrorism".​


Answered by bhanuprakashreddy23


The Forum’s second day focused on the role of youth in countering and preventing violent extremism.

Participants emphasized the importance of ensuring youth voices at the policy level to engage young people as “champions of change” and supported education and social inclusion as ways to fight terrorism.

The Second High Level Panel of the Heads of International Organizations and the Ministerial Panel aimed to elaborate a common roadmap for assisting organizations in building inclusive and sustainable societies.

3 May 2019: A global forum convened as part of the Baku Process examined the role of intercultural dialogue as an actionable strategy for helping countries counter discrimination and violence. SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) includes several targets focused on reducing all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.

The Fifth World Forum for Intercultural Dialogue took place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 2-3 May 2019, on the theme, ‘Building dialogues into action against discrimination, inequality and violent conflict.’ It provided a platform for advancing concrete actions to support dialogue, mutual understanding and diversity as foundations for inclusive development and sustainable peace. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev organized the Forum in cooperation with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNOAC), the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Council of Europe and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (ISESCO).

The Forum devoted one of its two days to the role of youth in countering and preventing violent extremism. The UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Angel Moratinos, who moderated the event, underscored the importance of youth engagement in global efforts to counter extremism and build sustainable peace. Nada Al-Nashif, UNESCO, observed that youth “have been excluded from decision-making processes and have had little opportunity for civic engagement,” and she said this exclusion is one of the reasons violent extremism persists. Sevil Alirzayeva, UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, said UNOCT prioritizes engaging and empowering youth in preventing and countering violent extremism, and called for the international community to stay united to “prevent and counter terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.”

Participants emphasized the importance of ensuring youth voices at the policy level to engage young people as “champions of change.” Participants also supported: education and social inclusion as ways to fight terrorism; participation of youth in decision-making and processes for ensuring peace and security; engagement of youth as partners in building resilience and more inclusive societies; and establishment of youth movements after civil wars or conflicts, to turn youth into peacebuilders.

Answered by anilkummar7889


The Importance Role of Young Generation in Counter-TerrorismTerrorism and radicalisation are the most well-known issue on this century. Butdo we really know about terrorism and radicalisation? Well some of us may notknow about terrorism and radicalisation really well, I can assume that many of usjust know about terrorism and radicalisation from what we have heard and seen.So what is terrorism?The first time terrorism act existed on 1798, the Britain’s Governmentused terrorism acts to intimidate people during the Reign of Terror in France.They used the terrorism act as the systematic policy to their governance during theReign of Terror in France. Hence after 1789, the terrorism acts advance, later on2008, a German military officer defined terrorism as a political violence in anasymmetrical conflict, which is designed to induce terror and psychic fear(sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and destruction ofnon-combatant targets (sometimes iconic symbols) (Bockstette, 2008).Therefore terrorism is violence acts that target people in an area or acountry in the pursuit of political or ideological aims. Terrorism also includescriminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the generalpublic, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes. Accordingto the definitions of terrorism, we can say that terrorism is not only aiming topeople/group of people in an area/in a country, but it is also aiming at the verydestruction of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Hence according tothe definitions, all of us, the young generation, may ask why our role is importantto counter terrorism?As far as we know the most of people who join the terrorist organisationsare the young people who have identity crisis. They failed to integrate with thesociety, the society marginalises and alienates the young people, and they seek fortheir true identity (Bizina and Gray 2014, The Istituto Affari Internazionali 2007,European Parliament 2015). positive activities, like help people who are different with them, always spreadlove and do not spread hate, how to do proper prayer, how to be a good Muslim,accept differences between the other kind of Islam, etc. Hence, from theiractivities we can see that their activities different with the terrorism organisationswhich always spread hate.After I write down about terrorism, and one of the causes of terrorism, Ican conclude that we are, young generations, must counter terrorism and our roleis important to counter terrorism because we can help the young generations whohave identity crisis through the positive activities along the lines of my friends’organisations activities and we can cut the radicalisation chain and terror throughthe positive activities along the lines of my friends’ organisations activities. Thepositive activities that my friends do will defend us from identity crisis,radicalisation, and terrorism martyr.For example in their organisations, they study the scripture to the depthwith the persons who really understand and know about the religion, so they donot misinterpret the meaning of their scripture. Beside of studying the scripture,they also study how to apply the values of their scripture, so with applying thetrue meaning of the scripture to their daily activities, they do not have to be afraidof radicalisation, become terrorism martyr, and they do will not have identitycrisis. Therefore the young generations who active in religious organisations intheir universities turned out to be capable of moving the positive activites.

Thanku .

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