English, asked by ava71, 1 year ago

write an article on the topic:-
"Impact of TV on children"in about 150-200 words​


Answered by Dorothykujur


Excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades, sleep problems, behavior problems, obesity, and risky behavior. Most children's programming does not teach what parents say they want their children to learn; many shows are filled with stereotypes, violent solutions to problems, and mean behavior.

television has been a means of entertainment, a way to learn new things, a means in which people can explore the world, and learn about other cultures for many years. Children watch television approximately three to four hours a day on average. By their teenage years, they will have watched more television than their time spent in school. The content watched and the excessive time spent in front a TV during early childhood can prove to have negative effects later in their lives.

There has to be a balance in all things and television should not be an exception.There are so many negative aspects of watching TV which can affect the children’s health, behavior, academic progress and play time. Toddlers who watch a lot of television were more…show more content…

At an early age children easily absorb what is being taught by the television programs, their parents or by people. So this period is a key development stage in which they will learn how to talk, think, behave, and socialize in response to their surroundings. Parents need to limit their children’s exposure to media violence by monitoring the content of programs in advance, modeling nonaggressive behavior for their children, and rewarding nonviolent behavior Additionally watching too much television, children are more likely to do poorly in school. If a child is spending too much time watching television that means the child is using the time that he or she needs to study, read or perform other activities. Reading and studying are crucial for academic performance. The more reading that is done the more they gain skills that will help them do better in school. The consequences will be obvious if the child spends more time in front of the TV. Children need to play and use their imagination for their brains to develop. Less creativity and imagination, shorter attention spans with lower interest in less entertaining material, less perseverance and increased impulsivity with restlessness in class, visual processing skills that are not compatible with block print-based skills necessary

Answered by nancy6090


Impact of TV on childrens life


Many children are addicted to TVs.They watch TVs while sleeping,eating,sitting,standing..While they study also ,when TVs are open they are not liked to focus on study..This is a big impact,that,they lose focus from studies..They even lose their sight..They r maintaing spectacles.bcz of that..parents should chang etheir habit of seeing..Many childre watching cartoons are mentally getting disorderd..

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