Write an article on the topic importance of education system in India in about 100 words
India is witnessing the age of science and technology. There is a huge demand for professional/technical education in the modern age. The evolving pattern of life in this age is much different from the one we would find in our society fifty years back. Technical Education imparts knowledge of a specific trade, craft or profession. Technical Education can meet the increasing demands of expanding society and its multiplying demands and development. The industries, mechanized systems and scientific research centers all over the world prove that our bond with the past is breaking and instead of bare hands we must use machines and technological devices for all-round development and regeneration of human society.
In free India, the education was thoroughly reorganized again stressing the importance of science and technology to bring about a total regeneration. Hence, quite a number of regional engineering colleges, private/self-financial institutes of technology, and centers for researches in science came into existence all over the country to provide technical education. This role of educational institutions found it necessary to redefine its goal mainly related to economic development and to ensure a place for India in the community of prosperous nations. It was not just an end, it was the dream of modern India, and technical education was given the due importance with a view to realizing that dream. Besides this, in this age of unemployment, only technical education can assure one a job and a comfortable life. Otherwise, fresh graduates fall victims to frustration and find themselves alienated from the mainstream of the modern world.