Write an article on the topic stress management for children
Why Are Children Stressed Today?
Think about all the stressors that can cause anxiety in a typical adult’s day: Noise. electronic stimulation from TVs, computers, cell phones, and other constant information-emitting devices. Traffic. Juggling work responsibilities, activities, and family in our busy, 24-7 society.
Add to that school and after-school activities, the pressure to succeed (whether it comes from outside or from within themselves), family changes or conflicts, and a host of other factors that can lead to anxiety and you have the perfect recipe for child stress.
Signs of Stress in Children
Often, children — particularly younger kids — are not able to fully articulate their feelings of stress and anxiety. If there have been any major changes in a child's life such as a move or a new sibling, parents should pay particular attention and look for possible signs of childhood stress.
Signs of stress in children may include:
Stomach pains
Changes in behavior
Mood swings
Sleep problems
Difficulty concentrating at school
What Parents Can Do About Child Stress
Let kids know they can talk to you.
Encourage your child to talk to you about any problems he may be having, and to talk about his feelings openly and honestly. One of the most important and effective ways human beings can deal with stress is by talking to someone about their problem. Even if your child is unable to specifically express what she is upset about, just having you ask and encouraging her to talk can make a difference.
Be sure to listen to your child before offering suggestions.
As much as you might want to jump in and help offer solutions, allow her time to fully express her thoughts and emotions before making comments or expressing your opinions.
Consider doing an activity while you talk.
Some children may feel more comfortable talking about their problems while engaging in an activity with a parent. Do something you both enjoy, such as going for a walk, making cookies, or playing a round of basketball in the driveway before asking your child to discuss a problem he may be having. (Research has shown that boys, in particular, are more comfortable sharing their feelings if they are engaged in physical activity while talking.)
Get kids to do some deep breathing exercises.
Encourage your child to breathe in "good" air and exhale "bad" air, and picture it carrying any worries out of her body.
Do some yoga poses with your kids.
Simple yoga poses such as downward dog, cobra, and tree are excellent for kids. Even if you do this for just a few minutes — say, in the morning before school or in the evening before bed — having a little quiet time with you can make a big difference in a child’s day.
Try some quick stress-relief ideas for kids.
These can include fun activities you can enjoy together such as snuggling together with a book, massage, or playing a favorite game.
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