English, asked by IBRAHIM1439, 9 months ago

Write an article on"water most precious gift of nature


Answered by deebafarid84


The natural sources of water for human consumption are taken from rivers, ponds, springs and groundwater. These waters generally contain a low amount of salt (less than 1 gram of salt in one litre of water) and are potable. Though 2/3rd of earth surface is covered with sea water it contains a high amount of salt (about 30-35 grams of salt in one liter of water ) and it is not suitable for drinking purposes. Salt is available in sea water in such a large proportion that commercial extraction of salt is done by evaporating sea water under the sun in big flat fields and collecting the residues. Conversion of sea water to potable water using reverse osmosis process is feasible but due to its high cost, it has not been commercialized in a big way.

The nature is doing this job for us by evaporation of sea water in summers to form the water vapors which form the clouds and these clouds are taken to other places on earth by the winds and they precipitate in form of rains on the land masses and rejuvenate the springs, rivers, and ponds with fresh and drinkable water.

In the hilly terrain there are ups and downs and in between big valleys and plateau are enclosed. These valleys and plateau comprise of the large catchment area. During the rainy season a lot of water is attained by these catchment areas and interestingly a small portion of that water (less than 5 % of the total rain) is absorbed by the outcropping parts of porous rocks and penetrates deep in these rocks due to gravity and slowly moves along the rock layers. In forest or tree rich areas the amount of water absorbed may be slightly more due to retention of rain water in the shades for a longer time. This absorbed water is the one which ejects itself from the rocks at a lower height and we see that in form of springs. This travel of water from absorption to ejection takes time and it is due to this fact that we see small waterfalls and streams falling from different heights in hills even after the end of rainy season and these falls sometimes survive the whole year when next year rains again freshen them up. This is a very interesting observation which one can make during rainy season if one gets an opportunity to visit a hilly place during that time. The small springs, small falls, and small streams are short-lived and survive a few days after the rains while big ones can survive for a few months to a whole year.

Some rivers like the Ganges originate from ice-capped mountains by melting of ice bodies and these are the regular rivers remaining vibrant throughout the year and are swollen in the rainy season due to the addition of rain water.

Importance and usage of water

Water is used everywhere - from human consumption to various industries usage. We can see its use in a variety of ways. It is the lifeline for various crops, it is a great solvent, it can be used for dilution of innumerable substances, it is used as a coolant, when frozen it becomes ice, on heating it forms steam which is used for various industrial mixing and injection processes, water falling from height is producing electricity in dams and like that we can list many more.

It is such an important material provided by nature to us that without this all the flora and fauna will not be there. We can not imagine life without water.

Today all the research for extraterrestrial life ( life beyond Earth) is focused on a finding of water on distant planets in the universe so that chances of them being habitable can be bright.

Respecting the nature - respecting water

Once we have understood the sources of water and its importance, it becomes our moral duty to honor and respect this valuable commodity. Such a precious item gifted by nature to mankind definitely deserves our care. We must not waste this precious commodity and use it sparingly and try to preserve it right from its supply storage to the water tap.

As a good citizen, it is also our duty to make other people also conscious for its judicious use so that the society as a whole takes interest in conserving this lifeline of humans on our planet - Earth.


Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao27 May 2017 Member Level: Platinum Points : 1

Mr. Umesh, a very well written article.

As told by you, reverse osmosis of seawater is very costly. I have done many trials using RO plant for potable water. My observation is just 5 liters of potable water is available from 100 L, that too after 3 cycles. Hence I have given up. Recently I heard that a process has been developed for seawater treatment but details are not available. Definitely I feel our scientists will come out with a process for this. Let us hope for the best.

Author: Umesh27 May 2017 Member Level: Diamond Points : 1

Mr Rao, I came to know that one big project for sea water conversion to drinkable one is undertaken by Govt near nuclear plant in Tamilnadu. You can find more details in net if interested. The nuclear power department is also associated in that.


Answered by daniyashahid99


Water is an important natural resource on the planet and is required for human survival. Learning about the numerous sources of water on the planet and the varied uses to which it is put can aid us in comprehending its significance to humanity. The supply of safe drinking water is a major concern for the global population, and we must preserve and utilise it wisely.


Water is one of the most vital natural resources for human survival on the planet. For our everyday requirements, from drinking to cleaning, it is accessible from rivers, springs, ponds, and subterranean sources. Annual rains replenish some of these sources, such as waterfalls, rivers, and lakes, while others, such as groundwater, are rapidly disappearing, signalling the need for water conservation. Water exists in numerous forms on Earth, from ice-capped mountains to enormous oceans. Despite its abundance, only a small fraction of it is drinkable; the remainder must be treated using expensive ways to remove the unwanted salts and materials.

Water is one of nature's most valuable gifts to humanity. Water makes up the majority of all living things, including the human body, which is two-thirds water. When viewed through a 20-foot thickness, it is a transparent, colourless liquid that seems blue. The colour is reflected by suspended contaminants as well as physical factors.

Water has a freezing point of 0 degrees Celsius and a boiling temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.

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