Write an article to the Editor of a newspaper in about 100-120 words highlighting the Economic impact of Covid19 Pandemic in India
Economic Impact of Covid-19
-Your Name
As we know everything is diffrent in our parallel universe what we wish for never happens but the opposite of it. Praying for our climate to get back to normal. This time the table turned and brought a devasting phase to the world The Coronavirus
Covid may sound like it's a simple word. but it was a terror that caused even the world superpowers to bow down infront of it causing so many people infected by Coronavirus and all the pressure came upon govt causing down lockdowns in the country and economy, GDP etc fell to the lowest of it's grounds causing so much problems within the country
The govt was speechless what can they do to pull economy back to where it was many factors, schemes came and went but already it impacted so much falling gdp's, unemployment, endagred livlihoods, shutting down of buisnesses
This is the last time the world will see something like this as from now preventative measures are put as to prevent this beast this terror from even being born or start to spread again.