write an article using these words

Rainwater Harvesting is a technique to collect rainwater and direct it into any natural or human-made resources. It is usually collected at the place the rain falls from the ground or rooftops.
Rainwater Harvesting is a global measure taken to prevent wastage of water. Due to the adverse effects of human activity on the environment, rainwater harvesting is gaining rapid momentum. Rain Water Harvesting is an initiation to make sensible use of natural resources.
To know more about Rainwater Harvesting, kindly read the below-mentioned paragraphs to aid you with school assignments. The paragraphs are written in simple words and small sentences to help children understand and write. Students can choose any of the following paragraphs on Rain Water Harvesting according to their needs and requirement.
rainwater harvesting-technique-collect raineater-
rainwater harvesting-technique-collect