write an assignment on environment and it's component with diagram
The environment is defined as the whole physical and biological system surrounding man and other organisms along with various factors influencing them. The factors are soil, air, water, light, temperature etc. These are called Abiotic factors. Besides the Abiotic factors, the environment is very much influenced by bBotic factors which include all forms of life like plants, animals, microorganisms etc.
Man is thus an inseparable part of the environment. Man and Environment have very close relationship with each other. The social life of man is affected by environment. This is the reason for various types of social and cultural activities around the world. The hilly people have different life styles than people in the plain area. Similarly people around the world differ in their food, cloth, festivals etc. All these are influenced by the factors around him.
The environment has three important constituents. These are:
(a) Physical
The Physical Constituent of environment includes soil, water, air, climate, temperature, light etc. These are also called abiotic constituents of the environment. This part of the environment mainly determines the type of the habitat or living conditions of the human population. This physical constituent of the environment is again divided into three parts.
These are:
(i) Atmosphere (gas)
(ii) Hydrosphere (liquid)
(iii) Lithosphere (solid)
(b) Biological
The biological constituent of environment is also called biotic component of environment. This component consists of all living things like plants, animals and small micro-organisms like bacteria. This component interacts with the Abiotic component of the environment. This interaction of two components forms various ecosystems like pond ecosystem, marine ecosystem, desert ecosystem etc.
The self sufficient large ecosystem of the earth is called Biosphere. All ecosystems consist of three different types of living organisms.
These three types are named as:
(a) Producers
(b) Consumers
(c) Decomposers.
Producers are generally green plants and other photosynthetic bacteria which produces various organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins etc. with the help of water, soil and light energy. Consumers depend for their nutrition on the organic food produced by the green plants Decomposers bring about the decomposition of dead plants and animals and return various important minerals for the running of the biogeochemical cycles.
(c) Social
The social constituent of environment mainly consists of various groups of population of different living organisms like birds, animals etc. Man is the most intelligent living organism. Like other living creatures, man builds house, prepares food and releases waste materials to the environment. Man is a social animal as told by Greek philosopher, Aristotle. He makes various laws, policies for the proper functioning of the society.
The three components of the environment give rise to four important zones. These are Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere. There is continuous interaction among these four zones. These interactions involve the transport of various elements, compounds and energy forms. These zones are explained as follows.