Write an autobiography of a book. You may use the following points.
• Introduce yourself.
• Speak about your life journey.
• Write about your master.
• Share your experience.
I am a book. My name is A Book of Short Stories. I was printed in Delhi, after which I was packed with my sisters and sent away to a shop. I remained on the bookshop for a few days. Then, a lady came and bought me. The women kept me nicely on a shelf for a long time but one day her friend asked for me to borrow the lady gave me to her. Lady's friend was nice to me at at first she used kept me on her bed side table for few days then she started me keeping anywhere and she used to forget me where i was I wanted to back to the lady who first bought me. One she spilled coffee on me. She was scared because that day the lady was coming to get me back. After the incident she threw and bought a new book. I was very sad I was sitting in the dustbin for sometime. When the lady came she said on the sofa and then she saw me in the dustin. She was very angry on her friend she said nothing when she asked for her book. Lady's friend gave it to her she had gone to the same shop and bought my sister and gave it to the lady I was happy for my sister but I was sad for me beacause I was scared what will she do to me. I was thrown away.