Computer Science, asked by satishjoshi1, 5 months ago

Write an conversation with police about theft in your home. (within 4-5
ing and manipulating the da​


Answered by soupals1upv

me : sir yesterday i was asleep and according to my senses i heard something bang around my bed , i was awake instantly ....

police (noting the incident in a notepad ) : go on sir after that ....

me : after that i foung 2 masked men peering at me of them suggested another to use chloroform on me and to kill me and dispose in a dumping ground ...i got into a fight but they got away....i had noted the no of their 2 wheeler it is s1up235 094 ...

police : indeed u hv done a great job sir ...wud u tell what has been stolen ?

me : nothing much except my wife 's ornaments which were 3 in no. and worth twenty five hundred and 2 of my trousers along with some two thousand rupees ..

police : ok sir thank u for calling us we will look into the matter and regain ur accessories as quickly as possible ..

me : thank u sir

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