write an diary entry on influnce of technology on education during corona pandemic
It is currently 11:30am. If all was normal in the world I would be in the midst of a busy morning as an intern at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, perhaps drafting a research briefing on educational reforms or finalizing a speech for my parliament member to read during First Minister’s Question Time. Most likely, I would be planning a trip to my flatmate’s farm in the Highlands of Scotland, or maybe texting the other interns in my program about which pub or club we would be going to that night.
Of course, all is not normal in the world. Not for me, and not for anyone else. Because of the rapid international development of the coronavirus pandemic, I am no longer abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland. I am instead in self isolation at home in Chicago, much like the majority of the United States population and many others around the world.
The contrast between the old normal and the new normal could not be starker. For me and many of my peers, the semester abroad experience represented an opportunity to expand our independence, curiosity, and international exposure. Meanwhile, my return to Chicago marked the beginning of a period of indefinite physical and personal limitations. However, there are two truths that this experience has forced me to recognize are far more valuable than anything I would have gained through an extra two months in Europe