Political Science, asked by Kenna8272, 11 months ago

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Essay on Power and Influence

4225 words (17 pages) Essay in Management

10/07/17 Management Reference this

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Influence is a fundamental aspect of life in organization and it is unlikely that organizations could function at all without it. Almost all organizational members engage or attempt in influencing others and virtually everyone in any organization is subject to the influence of others. This assertion holds true for every type of organization, whether large or small in either public sector or private sector. In organizations, influence attempts to be occurring when legitimate authority or power is put into used. Therefore, influence is actually a process through which an attempt to extract compliance with the intentions from others.

In terms of power, it refers to the capability of an individual to influence the behavior of another person so that another person will act in accordance with the individual wishes. This implies a potential that need not be actualized to be effective and relationship of dependency. It underlies the whole spectrum of means for influencing behavior of emulation, suggestion, persuasion and coercion. It simply means that the more power a person has will provide more effectiveness of that person influence system.

Meanwhile, the concept of authority is as an explanation for compliance has been seized upon, to the exclusion of the concept of power. Max Weber makes a basic distinction between power and authority. Power involves force or coercion and is only an important factor as internal process in organization. On the other hand, authority is a form of power that does not imply force, but rather involves a suspension of judgment on the part of its recipients.

Answered by prashantkumar27


Access to the law and legal system is the ability to shape it, both in its meaning and understanding. While the factors that usually determine the power to shape law are not static, in general, access to law has been held by specific groups of people: the wealthy, males, whites, and religious authorities. In constructing the law, these specific groups have traditionally used their power to reinforce their dominant position and impede the ability of powerless groups to further their interests. It is this position of advantage that allows the prevailing groups to maintain a system of inequality fortified by the law that protects their prosperity while forcing the disadvantaged to appeal to problematic methods to promote their…show more content…

As long as there is an unequal distribution of the power that allows individuals to shape the law, there will consequently be a system that perpetuates criminal activity as a direct result of this imbalance. In the eyes of Darrow, the only way to prevent the poor from pursuing illegitimate means of survival is to create a system of equality, in which the power to construct the law is not restricted to the wealthy, thereby allowing for the promotion of all interests (230). Similar to Darrow, Peter Kropoktin, in his article “Law and Authority,” discusses how a class of individuals, in this instance religious authorities, acquired the power to shape the law. As society became more divided and autonomous over time, Kropoktin claims that priests were compelled to institute laws that reinforced their control of society. Because the power to shape the law was vested in religious authorities, respect for the law came to be seen as moral behavior, and thus a blind obedience to authority began (Kropoktin 161-162). According to Kropoktin, it was this forced respect for those in power that led society into a state of rebellion. He states, “Rebels are everywhere to be found who no longer wish to obey the law without knowing whence it comes, what are its uses, and whither arises the obligation to submit to

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The Separation of Powers in the Hong Kong Legal System

2797 Words | 12 Pages

fundamentals of Hong Kong's legal system, Hong Kong Bar Association issued a statement to clarify that the judiciary independence is "firmly guaranteed" by the Basic Law, which is to "remain separate and independent from the Executive and the Legislature" and shall not be "regarded as a part of the governance team" (Hong Kong Bar Association, 2008). This paper examines related Articles of the Basic Law, legislatures and ordinances to understand how the separation of powers comes in to play in Hong

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