English, asked by ashthasinha, 1 year ago

write an editorial on "the increase of obese of people in India"."state the causes, prevention and cure


Answered by ronakbhavsar495


          Increase of obese people in India

Obesity is a disease in which a person suffers from uncontrolled weight gain. Obesity is increasing gradually in India due to several reasons:


  • Today’s youths are completely dependent on digital devices and gadgets. Even young children prefer mobile games over outdoor games. This is hampering their metabolism and making them obese.
  • Excessive dependency on fast food and food rich in fats, excessive sugar intake, also contribute to obesity.
  • Unnecessary use of drugs, contraceptive pills, addiction to drugs and alcohol, insomnia, etc. also lead to the disease.


  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Involving in physical exercise
  • Not skipping meals, reducing on the sugar and fat intake, abstaining from drugs and alcohol
  • Having adequate sleep, practicing yoga and medication


Some medical surgeries are necessary to take out the extra fat from the body through liposuction. Consulting a good nutritionist and discussing the problems associated with your obesity with your doctor can help you combat the problem and lose those extra kilos.

Answered by Haezel

Editorial on "The increase of obese of people in India".

In India obesity increase day by day and the main reason is the junk food that contains fats and cholesterol. Obesity is mainly seen in children due to heavy consumption of fast food, beverages. Obesity also increases by eating sweet food. We can prevent obesity by avoiding such food that has high level of cholesterol. We can cure obesity by daily exercise. We can reduce the obesity by following a strict diet by eating healthy and balanced food. Sometimes doctor prescribes a diet pill to reduce obesity.

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