write an email to your freind who is coming from abroad and give him one good news and bad news and after that ask him to bring something for u from their
1—Be prepared
If there is ever a situation to prepare what to say, this is it. Think about what you want to say beforehand, think about the words you will use and practice them first. Think about the reasons you will give and how you will implement steps 2 – 7.
Plan it out, practice it out loud, and go into the conversation ready.
2—Be direct and assertive
When delivering bad news, it’s important to skip the polite conversation, forget small talk. This is no time to ‘beat around the bush’, an idiom which means waste time talking about everything other than the thing you need to talk about. You need to cut to the chase or go to the point with bad news, it makes it much easier on the person getting the news.
So, these are the phrases you can use to do exactly that:
There is no easy way to say this, but…
I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news…
I’m sorry to have to tell you that…
It is my unfortunate duty to tell you that…
I’m afraid we won’t be able to…
There is no easy way to say this, but…
I’m sorry to have to tell you that…
I’ve got some bad news…
I regret that …
Maybe you should sit down for this…
I am so sorry, but…