write an email to your friend describing an unforgettable incident that occurred during the rainy season
From: [email protected]
Subject: about my unforgettable incident.
Compose email: I want to share my unforgettable incident that occurred during the rainy season. I was going to College. Suddenly there were Rainy clouds in the Sky. After a few moments, it started pouring hard. I started running fast to get under the tree. There was a little puppy who trapped near an open shelter desperately. The little puppy needs help badly. I approached the puppy and uptake him. I leave him to a safe place. It was such a Nice experience of my life. Give my regards to your parents.
A rainy day is such a day when it rains all day long without any break. It generally occurs during the rainy season. It rains cats and dogs on a rainy day. A rainy day looks dull and gloomy.
This year I had a very pleasant and memorable experience of a rainy day. This was the day when my school had re-opened after the summer vacation. The days were unbearably hot sultry. Outside it was really scorching heat. I was going to my school in the morning by a rickshaw. It was quite hot and uncomfortable. Soon the sky became overcast with big and dusky clouds. There were thunders followed by flash of lighting. It grew dark soon and temperature suddenly dropped down low. Then it began to rain heavily. The clouds thundered and poured water. People were drenched but happy and so was I. I protected my school bag and then ran into a nearby fast food shop for shelter. Some passersby had already taken shelter there. It was raining continuously for one hour. The roads, streets and other place got flooded very soon. The traffics came to a halt as there was knee deep water at many places on the roads. I was drenched to the skin and my school uniform was dripping but I felt much delighted getting cool and fresh.
When the rain stopped, I decided to return home. As I walked slowly, I noticed that everything had changed. Everything looked new and fresh. However, I reached home, changed my cloths and had a cup of hot tea. I enjoyed it as I had never before. It filled me with a sense of some indefinable pleasure and satisfaction.