Write an essay about 'Matribhasha Diwas'?
it is the essay about matribhasa diwas

UNESCO announced the International Mother Language Day on 21st February every year in 1999.
Because of the mother's word, there has always been difficulty in understanding the correct meaning and sense of the mother tongue. Mother tongue is not very old word, but people interpret it often, it is very ancient. The mother tongue of Hindi is literally a translation of the English idling idiom.
Where the infant of childhood passes, there is a mother in the same environment. The environment in which he is being fabricated, through which language he is learning other languages, where it is being developed, that is important.
Hindi did not appear in context, but its context was Bangla Bhasha and Bangla environment. In the English rule, the period that is called Renaissance is only due to the Bengal land. The British supported the liberal nationalists like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chanda Vidyasagar, for the promotion of education. For the Indian people to feel the burning of the Renaissance flowing through the whole world, Macaulay felt the need for Indians to learn English instead of traditional Arabic-Persian education. Here we will not be in the debate about his education system. Just talk about language. In every period, the language of the ruling class is the medium of education and governance. During the Muslim period, Arabic-Persian education was the medium of education. It is a different matter that learning in Arabic-Persian would help in knowing the governance and administrative environment for the common Indian, but by making knowledge in both these languages, there was no change in the narrow view of common Hindustani in the global viewpoint. Because the extent of Arabic Persian was limited. Through the Arabic-Persian studies, the Hindustani ancient Indians were associated with the knowledge-based traditions of Persia and Arabia, but the Arabic-Persian languages were not helpful in bringing the ideological revolution that was taking place in the remote west of India.
It was important for Indians to learn English language too. At the same time, it was also revealed that for the specific knowledge, then English would be made, but ordinary Hindustani would get modern education in his own language. At the same time the mother tongue was found to translate words like Mother Tong. It is a Bengali word and it was also from Bengali itself. The then social reformers wanted that modern education should be given to the common man in mother tongue (Bengali language). The introduction of modern madarsas is also believed to be from Bengal.
Not Maternal, Environment Important-
The Rig Vedic terminology, which establishes the antiquity of the mother tongue, is often cited - Mother tongue, maternal culture and motherland, all these three beautiful women are stabilized and our hearts are resting on the heart. If I broke the original Vedic form, then it was a sutta hand - Ela Saraswati Mahi Trishro Devi Ramobhabh. Whose translation was translated into something