English, asked by ghoshamit8978, 6 months ago

write an essay about the changes that have taken in your life and the different experiences you are going through due to lockdown.


Answered by 1221unknown


some Key points ...

self development

spending time with family

self study

practising a new skill

improvement of skills you knew earlier

Answered by malavikarajeev1


  It is astounding to learn, how few people matter in our lives. We tend to get so tied up in knots with our daily work schedules, gym, chanting, party routines and trying to make ourselves look “good” for others (mostly on social media). As a result, we ignore the people who matter to us and whom we should care about. Be it the elderly in our family, spouse, children, close friends and even those with whom you have spent precious times. We are so busy chasing a future that we have forgotten how to live and enjoy the present. We are so filled with greed and unfulfilled desires that we forget to count our blessings. Most of us have big egos and a false sense of pride and self-importance that we forget how to respect human beings and empathise with their suffering. it is compassion for others. To do your deed or service without expecting anything in return.

I have decided to spend more time with my family and close friends and with those people who matter to me. I want to enjoy and cherish my time with them. I will limit my social circle accordingly and live life on my terms. I don’t care two hoots about how the world perceives me. I will do all the things I have always wanted to do: Spend more time with nature, enjoy the wilderness of Ladakh, our national parks, take photography lessons, drive to the Rann of Kutch on a moonlit night, and embark on a motorcycle tour of Bhutan.

During the lockdown, I was pleasantly surprised to see how little we need to go on reasonably comfortably with our daily lives. Be it cars, household stuff, gadgets, food supplies and toiletries. Not to mention the array of expensive garments, shoes and other accessories we are constantly acquiring. And yet, we never stop collecting more and more and more. We do this because we want to show off to the world how up-to-date, fashionable and wealthy we are.

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