English, asked by amana2112, 1 year ago

write an essay about virtual classes.​


Answered by Anonymous
The virtual class are the two side of coins with both positive and negative impact..
It depends on us that how we use it..
Thank you
Answered by Thekapilyadav


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Essay on Virtual Classrooms

2536 Words11 Pages

Virtual Classrooms "It's student driven. They set the pace. It's like a high school class except it's computerized . . . lecture, quizzes, mid-terms and tests are all on the computer” (Charmoli). In this quote, Lance Jewett it describing some of the benefits of a virtual classroom. He is a teacher for an alternative school of online classrooms in Manton, Michigan. Many people have differing opinions of Virtual Classrooms, but as Jewett points out, virtual classrooms are “student driven” meaning the student has almost complete control over the pace and atmosphere he or she wishes to learn. With this, it is necessary to look more in depth at virtual classrooms for one to gain a better understanding such as; what are…show more content…

Many times class rosters are accessible on the online classrooms platform. This allows students to access to their fellow classmates as well as a way to contact each other. This also provides contact information for the instructor of the course. Another feature is access to announcements provided by the instructor. This gives the instructor a quick and easy way to let students know of any changes or important events. There is also a section for course information, course documents, and assignments which will provide the students with any important details of the class or assignments that may be required. Probably one of the most important features of an online classroom is its form of communication. Most platforms will use a whiteboard or discussion board in order to hold class discussions and provide a form of input from both students and teachers. Tools for the students use are also very important. Digital drop boxes make it possible for students to forward assignments to the instructor without the use of email and attachments. Calendars allow students to record important dates and keep track of what is planned for each online lesson. A student information section is also readily available to provide a profile on students as a way of recording personal information

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