English, asked by bagtasangelapril, 8 months ago

Write an essay about your real self and ideal self. Use the following as a guide:
*Describe yourself in terms of what you think of yourself and your personality characteristics or abilities.
*Highlight what you believe are your significant and positive personality characteristics or abilities.
*Also, identify your low or negative characteristics. Be realistic as much as you can.
*Describe yourself in terms of what you wish or desire to become in the future (or your ideal self).
*What do you want to be? How do you think you will achieve your ideal self? and;
*Why is it important to pursue your ideal self?​



According the Humanistic Psychologist Carl Rogers, the personality is composed of the Real Self and the Ideal Self. Your Real Self is who you actually are, while your Ideal Self is the person you want to be.

The Ideal Self is an idealized version of yourself created out of what you have learned from your life experiences, the demands of society, and what you admire in your role models.

For example, your parents are medical doctors who are respected and admired in the community, and experience tells you that in order to be happy, you need to be smart and have a high-paying job. Your Ideal Self might be someone who excels in science subjects, spends a lot of time studying, and does not get queasy at the sight of blood. If your Real Self is far from this idealized image, then you might feel dissatisfied with your life and consider yourself a failure.

Answered by AneesKakar

So, the demo essay is:

I am a fun-loving, extrovert. I love to make new friends and explore the world and its different thought processes. I can make friends very easily and that helps me acclimatize myself to new surroundings. I am also quite good at a few sports which has helped me build discipline in my life.

I can seem arrogant at times because I get very competitive. I also might come across as a prudish person to some people because I have strong opinions on certain matters. I wish to be calmer so that I can put myself in another's shoes to understand their perspective, too. I wish, also, that my competitiveness never comes out in a negative way towards others but continues to help me be the best version of myself that I can be.

I want to be an Actor career-wise and I think with the aforementioned traits imbibed in me and the passion that I have for the profession along with the proper training and guidance, I can make it. It is important to pursue one's ideal self to find happiness in the individual's life. The thrill and joy of bettering and mastering whatever one wants to achieve gives a constant meaning and edge to life.

Describe yourself in terms of what you think of yourself and your personality characteristics or abilities.

  • For this part of the essay, you should briefly describe yourself and list out all personality traits you can think of. For example:

I am a fun-loving, extrovert. I love to make new friends and explore the world and its different thought processes.  

Highlight what you believe are your significant and positive personality characteristics or abilities.

  • For this part, write a few traits of your choice and elaborate on them. For example:

I can make friends very easily and that helps me acclimatize myself to new surroundings. I am also quite good at a few sports which has helped me build discipline.

Also, identify your low or negative characteristics. Be realistic as much as you can.

  • For this part, write a few traits of your choice and elaborate on them. For example:

I can seem arrogant at times because I get very competitive. I also might come across as a prudish person to some people because I have strong opinions on certain matters.

Describe yourself in terms of what you wish or desire to become in the future (or your ideal self).

Example: I wish to be calmer so that I can put myself in another's shoes to understand their perspective, too. I wish, also, that my competitiveness never comes out in a negative way towards others but continues to help me be the best version of myself that I can be.

What do you want to be? How do you think you will achieve your ideal self?

I want to be an Actor career-wise and I think with the aforementioned traits imbibed in me and the passion that I have for the profession along with the proper training and guidance, I can make it.

Why is it important to pursue your ideal self?

It is important to pursue one's ideal self to find happiness in the individual's life. The thrill and joy of bettering and mastering whatever one wants to achieve gives a constant meaning and edge to life.

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