Write an essay Environmental Issues
The environment plays a significant role in life. It provides indispensible necessities to humans, animal life and plant life, such as water, food, shelter, and air resources. Meanwhile, human everyday actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment, causing pollution, deforestation, overfishing. As the human population increases, it is understood that the environment will change; scenic roads become busy interstates, livestock pastures transform into shopping centers, peaceful forests are destroyed to make room for waste. It appears that the earth is being led to a dim future. As mere visitors of the earth, humans need to recognize the issues facing the environment and take action.
It’s most significant outcome was to set up routine requirements for all federal government agencies to prepare Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements.
The year 1970 brought the Clean Air Act. This legislation was designed to manage air pollutants on a national level. In turn, it required the EPA to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to airborne contaminants. In 1990, amendments added provisions for addressing acid rain, ozone depletion, and toxic air pollution, established a national permits program for industrial sources, and increased enforcement authority.
Research published by the Polish Journal of Environmental Studies found that “long term exposure to air pollution from particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameters (smoke, dirt, and dust from factories, farming, and roads) and nitrogen dioxide and living near major roads can increase the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and can have a detrimental effect on lung function” (Spirić, Janković and Vraneš).
An analysis from the California Children’s Health Study points to ozone as a cause in the development of asthma in young people who did not previously have the disease. The study found that children who were active in outdoor sports in areas with high ozone concentrations were more than three times as likely to develop asthma as those who did not engage in outdoor sports during the five-year
Environmental issues
By - S.Nayan Shreyas.
In day to day life, we find lots of environmental issue which are major for our human, animals, even crops/plant nowadays there is no clean drinking water, we are not getting even the fresh air to breathe.
The most commonly environmental issues faced by humans and animals are pollution. The three major types of pollution are Water pollution, Air pollution, Noise pollution.
Water pollution is caused by the chemical fertilizers from the factories and large industries.
The Air pollution is also caused by the factories and industries by the chemical smoke moves to the air and also mix with clouds and may cause acid rain, this may cause us major diseases.
The Noise pollution is caused by public functions who keeps the loud sound for some parties, special events, festivals, etc..
Even by the chemical fertilizers used to growth the plants cause us major diseases, this is also a environmental issue.
Nowadays, most farmer use chemical fertilizers for earlier growth of crops, if we eat it directly without a proper wash with the hot water, we may be badly effected by some diseases.
We must be happy and enjoying our life without any environmental diseases, avoid these chemicals, pollution. We must also stop cutting trees, and plant more trees and save environment.