write an essay of around 300-350 words on , Pakistan in the 21st century?
Events since last September 11th have underscored the significance of a stable and prosperous Pakistan. That Pakistan should address and rectify some of the economic, political, and social ills that have sapped its vitality over the years is of prime importance to the people of Pakistan. But increasingly, there is an awareness that it is also in America's interest that Pakistan develop into a vibrant, pluralistic, economically flourishing country where transparency and the rule of law afford equal opportunity and equal protection to all.
On July 24, 2002, the Woodrow Wilson Center and the Pakistan America Institute sponsored a full day conference on the myriad economic and political challenges facing Pakistan, a key ally in America's war on terrorism. More than a dozen distinguished experts from Pakistan and the United States convened at the Center to present their analyses of Pakistan's domestic situation, and to discuss their ideas on the need for systemic reform in Pakistan. Not every participant prepared written statements, but the four presentations offered here are representative of the richness of the day's proceedings.
In the first panel on "Revitalizing Pakistan's Economy," Avais M. Hussain, the chief executive officer of Angora Textile Ltd., gives a broad macroeconomic overview of Pakistan's economy. His paper "Taking Pakistan into the 21st Century: Economic Challenges" (PDF) argues that the influx of foreign funds after September 11, 2001 will buoy the economy only temporarily, and that Pakistan should make a concerted investment in vocational and technical education in order to raise productivity and promote sustainable economic development.
The second panel, titled "Energy and Telecommunications: Engines for Industrial Growth," took a close look at the resources and infrastructure needed to fuel Pakistan's economic revitalization. In his presentation titled "Status and Developments in Energy and Water Sectors of Pakistan," Ishfaq Ahmad, Special Advisor to the Chief Executive of Pakistan, draws a comprehensive picture of the supply and demand of water and electricity, two resources critical to Pakistan's industrial and agricultural sectors. Ahmad offers a number of broad policy prescriptions to counteract the stress on these resources brought about by demographic trends. In his paper "Oil and Gas Developments: Challenges and Opportunities," (PDF) Zakauddin Malik, the former chief executive officer of the Oil and Gas Development Corporation, depicts the shift of Pakistan's oil and gas sectors towards greater liberalization and privatization. Structural reforms, greater investment and better governance, Malik maintains, can unlock the promise and potential of Pakistan's untapped energy resources and strategic location.
The final panel dealt with the knotty issue of "Good Governance." Shahid Hamid, a former governor of Punjab and former Federal Minister for Defence, Law and Establishment, delineates the various impediments to the fulfillment of Pakistan's national aspirations as enshrined in its constitution. In particular, he examines social sectors such as education and health, the conflict over Kashmir, civil-military relations and the devolution of power from the center to the periphery. He argues that strengthening institutional capacity is essential to long term peace and prosperity in Pakistan.
The Asia Program is pleased to share these papers with a wider audience in the hopes of generating lively and informed discussion of the complex domestic challenges facing Pakistan. The Asia Program would also like to express its appreciation to the Pakistan America Institute, whose generosity made this conference possible.
When the Muslims of India demanded a separate homeland for themselves, many people thought that the establishment of Pakistan was impossible. But Pakistan did come into being. It has not only survived many difficulties but has also made great progress in every field. Its survival and development have surprised all. We would like to see Pakistan at its best in 21st century, in the past years we enabled and demoralize.
Pakistan has not been politically very stable. But there is no need for despair. The people Pakistan agree on fundamental issues and priorities. In the economic field, hopes must be brighter. In 1947, we were a poor agricultural country growing a few crops. Very soon our country began to be industrialized. Its dependence on agriculture would be lessened.Pakistan has taken a very short period in becoming a semi-industrial country. This fact gives us the hope that there would be even faster development in the coming years. We have step in computer world and the other modern technology and expected that in 21st century the computer will be the part of every department even the advancement is expected because the new coming generation is comparatively more intelligent than before. The modern schools and institutions are preparing the staff better than the before. We have already entered in manufacturing of many modern electronic equipment in future like in 21st century Insha Allah Pakistan will send satellite in space. Pakistani scientist will conquer the space. As the Allama Iqbal saying there is more world after the stars.All these hopes are not just wild dreams. They have a solid foundations. They are founded on the fact that people of Pakistan are intensely devoted to their country. They want to make it a great country and for this, they are ready to make every effort and sacrifice. Moreover, they are true Muslims with firm faith in Allah.
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