English, asked by pramaniks, 5 months ago

write an essay of the time u worked really hard on a thing and someone else copied your work and gained more fame than you.
express your feelings and mention if the other person got what he deserved or not

just write points
correct answers will recieve 10 thanks so... get it if u want some.​


Answered by samiksha2714


There’s nothing more infuriating than someone taking credit for your work. We’ve all had this happen at one point or another: you share an idea with a colleague and then hear him repeat it in a meeting; you stay late to finish a presentation yet your team member accepts all the praise; you lead a long overdue project to completion and your boss tells the higher-ups it was his doing. How should you handle these situations? Is it okay to speak up right then and there? Or should you keep quiet? And how can you make sure that you get the credit you deserve in the future?

What the Experts Say

We want to believe that our work speaks for itself. But “in the real world, it matters who gets credit,” says Karen Dillon, author of the HBR Guide to Office Politics. “That all goes into the bank account of how much value you bring to the organization and plays into promotion decisions, raises, and assignments.” And you can’t assume that people will notice the time and effort you put in, says Brian Uzzi, professor of leadership and organizational change at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and author of the HBR article, “Make Your Enemies Your Allies.” “With collaborative work, it’s not always clear who has done what,” he says, which leaves the door open for a colleague to take undue credit. Here’s what to do when someone tries to claim your work or ideas as their own.

●Take time to calm down

●Assess the severity of the situationAsk why

Instead of making accusations, ask questions. This shifts the burden of proof to your colleague: he has to explain why he felt justified taking credit for the project or idea. “Research shows that it’s much better to ask why it happened than to make a claim,” says Uzzi. You say something like: How did you feel the presentation went? Did you feel like you were able to hit all the main points? Some might see this strategy as passive-aggressive but it will give your colleague an opportunity to recognize his mistake. If that doesn’t happen, you can say something along the lines of: I noticed that when you talked about the project you said “I” instead of “we.” Was that intentional? Why did you present it that way?Dillon says that your goal isn’t to pin blame but to “show them that you noticed and that you didn’t think it was right.”

you can change lines according ti you or add some more lines

hopw this helps , mark the the answer as brainliest and follow me !



Answered by indrakantikaruna


It's really happened to me.When there was a sciencefair conducted in our school.I made a revolving Solarsystem model but other student made the same,somewhat bigger than me. I felt very sad & dissapointed for sometime.My teacher consulted me & said try something new.I am very affraid because the scienware will held tommorrow.I got an idea of blood circulation.I bought a chart and drew a heart with parts & a human body.I studied short notes about it with the help of my biology teacher. The scienceware day came.I explained about it & got a lot of appreciations from my headmaster & teachers.

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