write an essay on advertisement are necessary evil
By definition, its something that an industry would probably do to acquaint the customers 'about the product.' Which means that, its quite important because otherwise,we would be unaware of their product. Which brings us to the conclusion that it definitely plays a crucial role. However, is it being practiced in its correct sense? Well, I sure dont share an apartment with kareena kapoor but I am very sure she doesn't use a "lux" soap and neither does shah rukh khan apply that fairness cream or the dentist that promises you strong teeth is actually even a dentist in reality. Its indeed funny to see our indian cricket team players drinking 'boost' .Also, promising fairness in 5 minutes or, the most common,"no preservatives" which is scientifically impossible adds to the fake promises. Misleading. Is that what advertisements are meant for? They have clearly forgotten the real motto of an advertisement. Also the vulgarity adopted for simply cold drink ads, I am sure most of you'll must have understood I am talking about 'slice' Is just too irrelevant. Keeping in mind we have all age group including kids watching television,there should be some "adult" ads, which definitely need not be advertised and even if they are, it should be in a more decent manner. But still, there are few ads of tata tea, jago grahak jago which do justice to the word 'advertisement. Its sad to see that everything needs to have a fancy layer of fakeness to seem attractive. Its adversely affecting the consumers. Advertisement being something which is always on tv, cannot afford to have this kind of filth. It serves as a bridge between the consumers and the suppliers. Well, I think the bridge which looks like being made of cement, is nothing but clay.
No it's not a necessary evil and should be banned from anyone under 18. It should be a human right not to be subjected to advertising. My life is not what it could be because of advertisements conditioning my decisions. Worse this conditioning starts in childhood. How much better could the world be if people were not made to feel like failures because they can't afford this brand or that brand or whatever! Why should I have to feel pressured, often subliminally, towards this or that? Advertising is not a benign feature of our world, it's actually very evil, in that it produces desires and needs that where not there before. Surely that is not on! There is an obvious relationship between how happy you feel and how you see yourself and when so much of how you see yourself is programmed into you via advertising then you can start to see where I'm coming from. And before arguing "but look at all the choices we now have" I should remind everyone that all studies into happiness show no improvement over the last few decades despite the "endless" amount of stuff we can have. A good consumer is one that is unhappy, for a happy person needs not buy things. Advertising is often also false and plain lies about how good the product is or worse, how it's going to make you feel! In the 70's following the hippie revolution, the marketing powers discovered that they could sell not just products but identity! Now we measure who we are from what we buy! This system is rotten to the bone and most of us are too "in-it" to realise. It's all taken for granted, long live the deception of marketing!