write an essay on clean india (gandagi mukt bharat) in 250 words in any language.please dont copy from the google.If anybody have in this essay in the book then click the pic.dont spam it will reported
I have a dream for such a clean India that is as beautiful and clean as Paradise. The truth is India was a paradise; there was not any pollution in water, air, or on land. However, with the advent of industrialization, colonialism, lop-sided development in the post-independence era, and lack of visionary leadership, India became a land of squalor. However, a new dawn of awareness has brought along a transformation in the attitude of people. Indians want to achieve the goals of world-class cleanliness.
India of my dreams is the advanced, developed, and self-reliant India where all her cities are high-tech and smart cities. Each and every city is abundantly green and equipped with an auto maintenance system. Where the rivers flow with the same pristine purity that was at the beginning of civilization. Clean India of my dreams is India, where every Indian is aware of his responsibilities to cleanliness.
Clean India of my dreams in India, where each and every city has all the latest and advanced waste management plants; where garbage is treated into organic substances that become organically mingled with the earth, not affecting its environment and ecology in the least. The clean India of my dreams is a perfect paradise of natural beauty and environmental purity.
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INTRODUCTION:- Gandagi Mukt Bharat Or Clean India Mission is the most significant mission of Indian history. It's a cleanliness drive campaign which is an effort to make entire country clean.
According to view, "environmental cleanliness be clean. If you go long enough without a bath, even the fleas will leave you alone. I'll not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Cleanliness beigns with purity of your own mind, thought and heart.
OBJECTIVE:- Gandagi Mukt Bharat is national level campaign. It was initiated by Indian Govt recently ro clean all the statutory regions rural and urban cities and towns. This campaign include the promotion of health and sanitation programs in the rural areas, cleaning roads and street, promoting and creating awareness on hygiene and clean and safe during drinking water and Education among the people through the awareness programmes. The awareness programmes teach them proper waste segregation and disposal methods. The overall campaign was initiated to create awareness among people.
SAY NO TO PLASTIC:- Plastic is poisonous for our environment. Being non-biogdegradable it doesn't break down in the soil and cause soil pollution. Hence, need to be disposed of properly. Therefore, we need to cut down the usage of plastic bags and always dispose of them in dustbins.
APPROPRIATE DISPOSAL OF GERBAGE:- Call it negligence or laziness but we keep disposing our gerbage at the spot We're on the streets. We need to stop this littering and keep the street, woods, water bodies and our surroundings clean. Make it a habit to properly dispose the gerbage into dustbin and also encourage others to do it.
HYGIENE:- Personal hygiene is how you care for your body. This practice includes bathing, washing your hands, brushing your teeth and more.
The spreading of diseases can be reduced if we maintain hygiene both indoor and outdoor it. In turn, helps in destroying the breeding spots for mosquitoes, rats and many other pathogen carriers. Dirty hands are one of the main reason for the spread of diseases and everyone should clean hand especially before eating.
AIR POLLUTION:- The problem of pollution has its roots in the problem of overpopulation. Humans have created to much trash and there is too little space on the planet to dump it in.
Therefore, an urgent need has arisen to tackle this issue straightway. That's to say, pollution is damaging our earth severly and we need to realise its effects and prevent this damage.
CONCLUSION:-Gandagi Mukt Bharat Mission is a step closer toward a cleaner, safer and greener India and this drive is possible if all the citizens could come together and participate in this drive.