English, asked by hareemfatima2028, 1 year ago

write an essay on cow​


Answered by arnavs0223


The cow is a domestic animal which is considered useful to mankind.

It is used as livestock mainly for providing various dairy products like milk, ghee and cheese.

It is found in various colours, shapes and sizes around the world.

In India, the cow is regarded as a sacred animal and worshipped by Hindus from ancient times.

It has two ears and eyes each, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail and four limbs.

It eats fresh grass, husk, grain and vegetables.

Cow’s milk is very nutritious and beneficial for human consumption.

Drinking cow milk regularly sharpens our brain and increases immunity power.

Farmers often use a male cow known as an ox to plough the fields and draw carts.

The cow dung is used by people as fuel and fertilizer for plants and for repelling insects.

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