English, asked by aneeshmanhas, 10 months ago

write an essay on cruelty to animals in 350 words without help of internet ,urgent ​


Answered by anushka2231


All laws of benevolence prohibit animal cruelty. In the event of livestock, no plea can justify cruelty, as bad creatures can do little to protect themselves. There are many types of cruelty to livestock. It is suffered primarily by those who have little knowledge of how the sensitive equilibrium of nature is to be maintained by different species. The Cruelty To Animals Essay is an insight into the cruelty that animals suffer and what solutions can be adopted

Cruelty To Animals Essay

At the top of the list is a kind of’ government-sponsored cruelty that is evident from the sorry state of our zoos where animals are kept in cramped cages, some of which’ stink’ so badly that you can’t get the strength to look at the animals more closely. Behind the doors of the laboratory is the most horrifying instance of cruelty — young animals in the laboratory are being tortured in the name of studies and experimentation.

In cosmetics, 60,000 chemicals are used and often tested on rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, and monkeys. To determine corneal irritation, corrosive chemicals are injected into the eyes. In order to determine tissue deterioration, animals are frozen in ice and put on hot plates. Every year, about ten million animals are murdered in experiments.

Other cases of worldwide reported cruelty include rare species such as Liver Ridley tortoises becoming enmeshed in the trawler’s nets, leading in suffocation, or spinal tailed lizards Sold to create aphrodisiacs. In the presence of prospective clients, their necks are snapped.

The fins of the sharks are sliced and the bad animals flow back into the ocean to die a painful death. Frog legs are also cut, which are handled as a delicacy. Also, the juvenile chiru deer fur is used to make’ shawls’ of exotic toosh. Despite hundreds of animals and birds being trapped and killed in the name of custom and tradition, despite the laws.

Answered by Anonymous


Your Answer:

Cruelty to Animals:

We may be developed via brain, but we surely undeveloped via our mind and thoughts. What we are if we are not what nature and other species want us to be. We are just a jailer who is exploiting the freedom of other animals for no reasons. We are such insensitive that we can't able to see the pain of others.

We, yes we all are a part, we enjoy a trip to zoo. But the animals inside the cages are not enjoying, they are in anger for this cruelty. We may say that it's for their protection only. But if we ask any of the animals what they want life or freedom? They will surely answer freedom. We are not God. So, we have no rights to exploit their rights.

We use leather belts, decorative materials and many more things that are made by harming animals. Cosmetics used by us is tested on animals before certifying it, in order to determine tissue deterioration, animals are frozen in ice and put on hot plates.  Corrosive chemicals are injected into the eyes to determine the coroneal irrigation. This causes to death of 10 million animals every year. On other hand, people torture them for fun only. They do this in their so called game hunting. And the most bad time is when they are tortured within labs with the permission of Government for experiments and tests.This leads to extinction of many animals.

But still government is trying to save animals. The Constitution’s Article 15A(G) aimed at protecting and improving the natural environment. The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 is another comparable law. But our country having this much protection for animals but still not able to protect birds trade.  

This can only be solved when we pledge not to torture the animals, to be kind with them.

"Save Animals to save Life, nature and humanity"


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