English, asked by Sanskritigarg2143, 11 months ago

Write an essay on discouragement.


Answered by lovinganshul
All of us deal with discouragement in one form or another, throughout our lives. “Discouragement” covers a broad range of concepts. The verb to discouragemeans “to deprive of confidence, hope or spirit; dishearten, daunt.” Afflict, beat down, demoralize, depress, dismay, distress, frighten, intimidate, irk, and trouble are synonyms of the word discourage.

Three Stages of Discouragement

Mild discouragement can occur when a person experiences minor problems or pressures that affect his emotions. For the most part, this level of discouragement goes unnoticed by others and is not long-lasting.
Strong discouragement can occur when we face major problems or pressures. This level of discouragement affects our spirits. In our words and actions, others can easily observe both physical and emotional indications of discouragement.
If we become overwhelmed by problems or pressures, we experience disabling discouragement (i.e., depression), which drains us of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical strength. When this happens, our hearts “melt” within us, and we have no desire, energy, or ability to go on.

What Causes Discouragement?

A lie from Satan is the source of every discouragement. Fear, unbelief, self-pity, and self-condemnation are by-products of Satan’s lies. You become susceptible to Satan’s lies when you lose sight of God’s ways or do not put your confidence in Christ’s provision for your every need.
Answered by staradityaraj070



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The Importance Of Discouragement

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Check Writing QualityI've always been a big believer in having a positive attitude. I'm certain that my children grew tired of hearing me say things such as, "Happiness is a state of mind." And, "Happiness is a decision you make. It is a choice, something to be practiced."

These statements may seem very idealistic and perhaps, Pollyannaish and naive. Well, maybe so, but there is a lot of truth in those words. Of course, I realize that there are some people who are annoyed by this type of mindset. Hern Albright once said, "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." I like that! I really like that! That's a little bit of fun, right?

So, Success Habit #1: Make up your mind to be happy! After …show more content…

I believe that discouragement is one of the devil's greatest tools. Think about that. What happens when you are discouraged? You give up! You say, "Oh, what's the use..." Your thinking becomes negative and unproductive. You no longer believe in yourself. Your "stinking thinking" limits your ability. Discouragement builds and paralyzes from the brain to every part of you.

Fight Discouragement! Don't let a discouraging situation, circumstance, or event bring you down. Keep on keeping on. When you aren't winning, when you aren't immediately in first place, resolve to become more determined. Remember, the early worm may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese! Don't let the reality of the moment discourage you. Instead use it to find another direction, to plan a different approach. Find a way around it. Continue on the path to the goal, even if you must take a new fork in the road. 97% of our success is not the circumstances that happen to us, but what we choose to DO with those …show more content…

Focus on the positive. Make a list of things for which you are thankful. Keep the faith. Believe in yourself. "Where there's a will, there's a way." If you want to change your life, change the way you think.

There are many other powerful habits that can be developed to help us achieve success as we have defined it. These success habits apply, and are basically the same, whether we are talking about personal success or success in leadership. Attitude, people, relationships, action, success - they are all intertwined.

Success Habit #3: Dream. Search your soul! Choose. Believe.

Know who you are and what you want! What are your dreams? What are your priorities in life? Begin with the end in mind and determine where you want to be when it is all said and done. Imagine the future and believe in it. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

What is your purpose? Decide what is most important. There must be congruence in your life between your goals, your values, and your priorities for you to reach your full potential. "No planet, star, or sun could hold you, if you could but know who you are." -Emerson

Success Habit #4: Chart your

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