English, asked by pardeepkaur53556, 8 months ago

write an essay on drug addiction​


Answered by priyammbafnagmailcom


Here is ur answer mate


Drug addiction has become a worldwide problem, especially in teenagers. Many young people become dependent on different types substances and stimulating medicines that comes hand-in-hand with narcotic effect. The life of addicts becomes spoiled in all aspects, as they lose contact with their family and live in a different world. They spend lots of money on drugs, and then look for ways to earn money illegally. If we compare the health problems, there are many dangerous effects of drugs.The most disturbing thing about drug addiction is that people in different countries of the world are becoming addicted to all kinds of drugs. There are different types of street drugs such as – cocaine, meth, marijuana, crack, heroin etc. Heroin is one of the dangerous drugs that suppress your heart’s work and is appropriate to achieve narcotic effect.

The alarming rate of drug consumption has always been a problem and has detrimental effects on the society. Personal and family problems also lead to drug abuse among youngsters who fail to deal with personal problems. The physiological effects of drug addiction can be difficult to endure and this is why the addict must be treated for their condition. The worst thing is that drugs are that they affect youth in every country of the world.The term drug not only means medicine, but fatal narcotics with different specifications. These drugs have their evil effects on mind and body cells of the addicts. The addict becomes dependent on the drug to a great extent that he/she cannot stop using it. Despite of having full knowledge of its effects on health, addicts use it on a regular basis.

Drug addiction is basically a brain disease that changes the functioning of brain. There is an uncontrollable desire to consume drugs, as a result of which addicted people engage in compulsive behavior to take drugs. The addicts find it impossible to control the intake of drugs, as a result of which they fail to fulfill day-to-day responsibilities in efficient manner. Drug addiction is also referred as drug dependency, as the addict develops dependency for particular substance.

Answered by Sakku123


Here is your answer. I hope it will be help you

The major cities of India are in the grip of the drug menace. This devastating vice finishes off the addicts by debilitating them physically and psychologically. A seminar on Drug Abuse held recently in Madras has painted a horrible picture of this malady. The most disturbing fact is that the university campuses, college premises and school grounds nourish this evil more and more.

Drug addiction implies physical dependence upon a drug including the development of tolerance and withdrawal. An addict who develops tolerance requires more of the drug to transport him to the world of fantasies. If the addict is not allowed to take the drug he suffers from painful and uncontrollable convulsions, vomiting, depression and various other maladies.

Many drugs give the user a kick eradicating frustrations and adversities that life throws in his way. What they forget or do not understand is that the problems drowned in drugs come back with a vengeance to torment them once the effect wears off. The addicts’ endeavour, is escapist and it is doomed to catastrophic failure even before it begins.

Drugs used by the addicts, particularly in India may be categorised into narcotics, hallucinogens, stimulants and sedatives. Marijuana, opium, heroin, barbiturates and amphatamines are all habit-forming drugs. Marijuana is the Indian hemp, its tetrahydro-cannabinol content is the real drug content and its largest concertration is in the flowering top of the plant. The resin collected from the tops of potent cannabis sativa is called hashish. It is considered to be five times stronger than marijuana. Side-effects of this drug are greater and more injurious. These drugs which are inhaled in smoke-rolled into cigarettes. But both marijuana and hashish can be added to food and drink. As soon as its smoke is inhaled eyes become red, heart beat increases and usually the smoker coughs. Hunger and drowsiness normally follow inhalations of smoke. The smoker gets distortions of visions and hearing. He loses all the sense of time though the smoker thinks that his thoughts have become clear and better. Hallucinations and delusions may also happen. Unfounded suspicion of anything accompanied by anxiety, uncontrolled laughter or weeping and irrational mental fixations also are noticed. Hallucinogens are drugs that provoke changes in sensation, thought process, self-awareness and emotion. Aberrations in the perceptions of time and space happen, illusion, delusion or hallucination may vary in intensity in accordance with the dosage inhaled. Marijuana smokers stand the danger of ceasing to become “high” on smoke and may have to take recourse to heavier drugs. And the results produced by the same amount of drug may vary in the same person depending upon circumstances.

Drug addiction reduces sober time available to a person. The personality of the addict is destroyed and his emotions become intense and distorted. Fertility is reduced and children born may have serious illness and withdrawal symptoms. The Indian government is making an all-out effort to check this diabolic trafficking of the drug.

Plz thanks to my all answer and follow me..

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