English, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

write an essay on drug addiction and it's effects on adolescents

I want it for 199+ words

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Answered by sania200511


Drug addiction has become a worldwide problem, especially in teenagers. Many young people become dependent on different types substances and stimulating medicines that comes hand-in-hand with narcotic effect. The life of addicts becomes spoiled in all aspects, as they lose contact with their family and live in a different world. They spend lots of money on drugs, and then look for ways to earn money illegally. If we compare the health problems, there are many dangerous effects of drugs.

Essay on the Effects of Drug Addiction

There are many negative effects of drug addiction on physical and mental health. As said, drug addiction refers to compulsive and repeated use of dangerous substances. The effects of drug addiction are wide and profound. The psychological effects of drug addiction comes form the reason that the user is addicted to drugs as well as the changes that take place in brain. Many people start using drugs to handle stress. However, the psychological effects of drug addiction involves craving of the substance and using it to the exclusion of all else.

Emotional Effects

The emotional effects of drug addiction include – mood swings, depression, violence, anxiety, decrease in everyday activities, hallucinations, confusion, psychological tolerance to drug effects etc. Besides these, there are many physical effects of drug addiction that are seen in the systems of the body. The primary effects of drug addiction take place in brain, which changes the brain functions and impacts how the body perceives pleasure.

Physical Effects

Other effects of drug addiction include – heart attack, irregular heartbeat, and contraction of HIV, respiratory problems, lung cancer, abdominal pain, kidney damage, liver problem, brain damage, stroke, seizures, and changes in appetite. The impact of drug addiction can be far-reaching and affects every organ of the body. Excessive usage of drugs can weaken immune system and increase susceptibility to infection.

Brain & Liver Damage

The effects of drug addiction are seen in people because the drug floods the brain repeatedly with chemicals such as – serotonin and dopamine. The brain becomes highly dependent on these drugs and cannot function without them. The effects of drug addiction are also seen in babies of drug abusers and can be affected throughout their life.

Drug addiction can cause the liver to work harder, causing significant liver failure or damage. Regarding brain function, drugs can impact daily activities by causing problems with memory, decision making, mental confusion and even permanent brain damage.

Short Term Effects

Different drugs affect body in different ways. There are some short term effects that occur in drug users depending on the amount of substance used, its purity and potency. Drugs can affect the person’s thinking, mood and perception to a great extent. Drugs can temporarily impair motor functioning and interfere with decision making and even reduce inhibition. The most common substances of drug addiction include – opiates, alcohol, barbiturates, inhalants etc.

A lot of people do not realize the damage caused by drug addiction because the short term effects are not apparent at first. The individual may feel quite invincible and unaware that drugs can actually affect almost every system in the body. The long lasting effects of drug addiction may not be known to addict. If treatment is not sought in time, the physical and emotional health will deteriorate.

Long Term Effects

The long term effects of drug addiction can have disastrous consequences on physical and mental health. As the body adapts to the substance, it needs increasing amount of it to experience the desired outcome. As the individual continues to increase the dosage, he/she may develop physical dependence. The individual may face deadly withdrawal symptoms, once he/she stops using the substance.

Legal Consequences

Drug abuse not only causes negative effects on your physical and mental health, but can have legal consequences. Individuals may have to deal with the legal consequences for the rest of their life. A lot of companies require the employees to take drug test before offering job. Driving under the influence of drugs can lead to serious legal action and even heavy fines.

By understanding the physical impact of the substance, individuals can make informed decision regarding their health. Remember that it is never late to seek help, when it comes to treat drug addiction. There are many rehabilitation centers that help you combat drug addiction in a supportive environmen

Answered by Anonymous

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“Drug is a family disease one person may use, but the whole family suffers.”

Drug addiction is a serious issue, especially among adolescents. Adolescence is the most crucial period of person's life. When he goes through many physical and emotional changes. Adolescents live in an illusionary world full of dreams and aspirations. They have to face many challenges, they are the most stressed species on earth, over expectations of parents, stress of studies and the peer pressure are some of the reasons that force them to fall prey to addiction.

Adolescenct age is vulnerable and teenagers can be easily swayed to the wrong side. Very often love of fun and desire for a little risk makes the beginning. The Youth wish for new thrills, new romance, some teenagers seek escape from boredom created by home atmosphere, sometimes parents are too harsh towards them or perhaps they have no time to look after them, as a result the children feel neglected. Adolescents sometimes find their education purposeless and thus the youth seek shelter in the dirty lanes of drugs to forget all about their problems.

The youth find themselves caught in the web of competition. Many of them find life hollow and meaningless. They take drugs thinking that it would bring them immediate relief from their failures and disappointments. In the beginning, it is all in experiments but soon it takes the shape of addiction.

Drug addiction among adolescence is no more a family problem but it has become a social problem. Youth is the most valuable asset of a country, so it is necessary to channelize their energies in a constructive way. It is a moral duty of parents and the government to curb this disease. Parents must devote their time to their young children and deal with them patiently and lovingly. Moral education should be introduced in schools and colleges. Sales of drugs in the open markets should be banned. The smugglers of drugs should we put behind the bars.

Many movies and soaps are played to curb this demon, but until and unless our politicians take strict action, I don't think this epidemic can be abolished. Before putting the drug peddlers behind the bars, I think we should begin with cleaning the politicam system of a country. NGO's and Human Resource officers must take a harsh step to put an end to this wave, otherwise the day is not so far when we would see our youngsters, either lying in the rehabilitation centres or in the hospitals.

So it is better to nip the evil in the bud otherwise this disease will take a form of epidemic and strike a death below to the great culture tradition of India.

  \red{\Large{ \tt{ “SAY \: NO \: TO \: DRUGS”}}}


Anonymous: Awesome :)
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