Write an essay on Earth with various points included.
Our solar system consists of the sun and nine planets that move around it. One of these planets supports life, and water is present on it in liquid form. This planet is home to all of us and we call it Earth. When seen from space, Earth looks blue with patches of land appearing Brown with swirling white clouds over it.
Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system. There are 4 planets that are bigger than Earth and 4 that are smaller.
Try spinning a top beside a table lamp, What do you see? The side of the top that faces the lamp is lit, while the other side remains dark. As the top turns, the other side faces the lamp and is lit up. This is exactly how different part of the world gets day and night, as Earth moves on its axis. The side faces the sun get day while the other side gets night.
What do you think lies beneath the ground? The ancient greeks thought it was the land of the dead. The ancient Indians imagined a seven headed python there. Nobody has ever seen the deepest layer of the earth. The layer lies about 6370 km beneath the surface. While the deepest mine is about 4 kilometres deep.
Our Earth is three layers, the surface on which we stand-The crust, the thickest layer-the Mantle and the core liquid outer layer called the outer Core and the solid inner layer called the inner core.
The crust forms a very thin cover over the Earth. While some of it is under the oceans, the rest is in the form of 7 used land masses on the surface. These muscles are known as continents.
Have you ever wondered what makes Earth special? No other planet apart from earth is known to support life. We are able to breathe and live on this planet because of a blanket of air that surrounds it. This blanket of air is made up of many gases and is called the atmosphere. it is about 1000 kms thick but most of it is concentrated in the lowest 10 kilometres
The atmosphere is made up of 5 layers. We breathe in oxygen from the first and the thickest layer-the troposphere. This 10 kilometre thick layer is closest to Earth. Temperature and humidity alterations in the layer impact the weather. Gentle showers to violent blizzards and raging tornadoes, all are result of changes in this layer.
Some of the rays emitted by son are harmful and can destroy life on our planet. These are known as ultraviolet rays. The Ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays, so that we can continue to live and thrive on planet Earth.

Our Universe is very huge . It is made up of many many heavenly bodies like star , meteoroids, asteroids, planets etc .
Our earth is also one of them . Earth is in the Milky way galaxy . It is the only planet where life exists . Here found the atmosphere and water which are the two basic needs for survival of life.
Our earth is on 5 th rank according to size.
It's atmosphere is having 5 layers .
Our earth is spherical in size. It is commonly known as blue planet Because when we go above , we will found that it looks blue .
Our earth is covered by water and land .
It because when the earth was formed in starting it was a very big ball of volcanoes and when the reaction take place it rained for millions of years and the water got collected. The part of earth which got submerged is now sea and the above relief features are now the mountains. But in the sky it looks blue.
Earth is having a great variety of flaura and fauna . About 17-18 million of variety of flaura and fauna is on earth .
Our earth revolves around the sun . It complete one Revolution in 365¼ days .
It also rotate on its axis in 24 hours .
The rotation of earth is responsible for the day and night while the Revolution of earth is responsible for the seasonal changes in earth.
The earth is very beautiful. The really very much helpful for all of us . Today we are leaving a very comfortable life on earth all because of it .
We are having a very great loan of mother earth. We can't repay that loan .
Thanks dear mother !!
#Be Brainly !!