Environmental Sciences, asked by amg86597, 2 months ago

write an essay on environment​


Answered by vijaysdhr


The environment gives us countless benefits that we can't repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Answered by pranjalgupta132007


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Everything present around us is our environment. It includes all living and non living things in our surroundings.

The life of humans and animals is entirely dependent on environment. It nourishes us. Our natural environment is being destroyed due to our adverse activities that are a big threat to it.

In the search of development and progress we are killing our natural environment. Our environment is the only means of our growth.

Life of humans, animals and birds is with this environment. We are carelessly replacing natural environment into artificial one.

Instead of greenery, Plantation and natural objects now there exists artificial things like buildings, complexes, streets and vehicles. They emit dangerous gases that pollute our environment.

As it is known that continuity of life on this planet earth is possible with healthy environment. The selfish activities of humans are the biggest threat to our natural healthy environment.

The mankind has been degrading the natural components of environment. He has been misusing the environment to attain success and prosperity

Our life is interconnected with every component present in our surroundings. The air that we continuously breathe to live, the water which we frequent drink, are the parts of our environment.

We humans have destroyed natural cycle of all natural components of environment. The disturbance caused in our environment affects the balance of natural environment.

Threats to the Environment

5 threats to the environment

Our environment is mainly affected by our own activities. Therefore, the big threats to our environment are as under,

1. Air pollution

2. Noise pollution

3. Water pollution

4. Soil pollution

5. Deforestation

6. Acid rain

7. Excessive use of technology

8. Little awareness/ ignorance

9. The pursuit of progress and development

10. Selfish wanton activities of humans.

Specially man made technological advancement is spoiling our surroundings excessively. It ultimately destroys the balance and equilibrium of nature which is fatal to all living forms on the earth.

All parts of our environment including hydrosphere and lithosphere have been destroyed due to man made environment.

It means that the man made technological activities are the sole cause of destruction of our environment.

Environmental degradation is a global issue. It is adversely affecting physical and mental health of humans. It has negatively affected our daily lives.

We are suffering socially, economically, emotionally and intellectually. Environmental contaminants have spread deadly diseases. The whole world is facing the issues caused by the loss of natural environment.

Our environment is being polluted due to industrial waste. The Agricultural waste, increasing population, smoke of vehicles, use of plastic, fossil fuel combustion.

Environmental degradation is the issue of the whole world. If this problem is not addressed properly it will cause loss of life.

The excessive use of fuels to meet our needs is killing our environment and its components like air and water.

Many air and water borne diseases are on the rise. The health is at risk. Acid rain causes damage of plants and animals. It also affects aquatic life.

Solutions; How to Save Environment?

Plantation or planting new trees will help to save environment.

Reduce the use of non-renewable resources.

Adoption of proper disposal of waste.

Ban on plastic must be turned into a movement.

Provide environmental education to spread awareness among people to save environment.

We should not pollute water bodies.

Useless cut down of trees must be banned. The strict measures should be taken stop deforestation and clearing away of trees.

Better recycling of natural waste is necessary to save environment.

There should be minimal use of pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides and chemicals.

We should work as a team to make our environment clean.

We all must actively participate in the world environmental campaigns.

Celebrate everyday as environment day.


Our environment provides us all basic and essential ingredients of life. All natural components of our environment are vitally important.

Modernization and development has caused sharp increase in environmental degradation. The quality of natural components is at risk. It is decreasing with a rapid pace.

Urbanization and deforestation contribute more in environmental pollution. It is believed that the environment is the source of survival.

All components of environment are our basic needs. Destruction of environment is akin to death of all life forms on this planet earth.

Our lives are entirely built on our natural environment. We must not change natural environment into an artificial one. It’s our first and foremost responsibility to save our environment.

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