Write an essay on:
Excessive usage of the Internet.
Hoping that this answer will help you :)
For the past decade or two, Internet is a channel that promotes an access to information and communication in the global world. It is one of the most powerful tool. Now-a-days, an access to the internet has become easier than ever, whether we are using a computer, phone or tablets. There is no doubt that people are spending more and more time online. Because many people use the internet for their career and education, it is hard to differentiate between the normal usage and excessive usage of the internet. We all use web at a normal level, but when it becomes compulsory for survival it becomes an addiction.
We use the internet for our own favor and interest. It depends what we enjoy
the internet surfing for; some l Now they are the most excessively used internet programs. Sometimes people do that in order to solve some mental disorders .its the excessive usage of the internet