English, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

write an essay on "Failure and grit go hand in hand"



Answered by alkaf100


has been more than seven years since Angela Duckworth’s TED Talk catapulted these two traits into our everyday vernacular, and still more since the dawn of Carol Dweck’s fixed versus growth mindset research. What have we learned?

When we demonstrate grit or are described as gritty, it is because we have had the resilience to push ourselves over, through, around, and sometimes under obstacles. How do people learn to do this?

Are people born with grit? According to Angela Duckworth’s (2007) research, grit is a question of nature and nurture, not one or the other. For people to develop grit, she says, they need to cultivate a growth mindset.

Answered by tushargupta0691


                           "Failure and grit go hand in hand"

One of the most agonising, unpleasant, and frightening human experiences is falling or failing. However, it's also one of the most instructive, powerful, and crucial aspects of leading a successful and happy life. Did you know that one of the seven characteristics that have been identified as being essential for both individual achievement and societal improvement is grit? The last six are zest, social intelligence, self-control, thankfulness, optimism, and optimism. Thomas Edison is an excellent example of grit for trying to create the light bulb more than 1,000 times. You will understand the significance of his triumph if you are reading this in a lit room. When questioned about why he persisted in the face of several failures, he only said that.


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