English, asked by besilikath123, 5 months ago

write an essay on flora and fauna of nagaland​


Answered by roshni2885


Nagaland includes all areas inhabited by Nagas in North-East India and Burma.)

There are more varieties of plants in a mountain range in Naga Country than in the whole of one Country in the world and there is more aquatic life in a small river than in a thousand kilometer length of the Holy Ganga. Size for size, the area inhabited by the Nagas dwarfs in comparison with the subcontinent of India, but compared in terms of the varieties of flora and fauna, it could be quite possible that the positions of the two would be changed

The topography and the geography of an area always have a tremendous influence on the vegetation of any area. The Naga Country lies in the temperate zone and is mountainous. But, its mountains are not craggy, awesome and precipitous as in the Himalayas. The mountains of the Naga Country have a forthright, inviting and lovely look, covered with every green vegetation and full of life.

There is also winter rain at least once or twice a year. In addition, there are monsoon thunder showers accompanied by hail which may sometimes be very devastating to orchards and plantations.

During the winter, heavy frost is found in the higher reaches of the mountains.

Stormy winds are experienced during February March, and every year it is not unusual to find the roofs of houses missing after particularly stormy night. In fact, there in a saving that were it not for the leeches and the wind, the place would have been a paradise.

The Naga Country is botanically one of the riches spots in the world. It has been mentioned that Naga Land has areas with climatic conditions ranging from the Apline in the higher reaches of its mountains to moist, hot tropical conditions in the foot hills adjoining Assam Plain. As would be expected, the area has vegetational types ranging from alpine types to moist tropical types. In addition, the arrangement of the mountain range such that it creates rain shadow areas where the conditions are dry and hot supporting even species of the desert regions.

In Naga Land there are trees so tall that shots of 12 bore guns can not kill pigeons perched on their tops. There are bamboo species no bigger that the thumb which entwine themselves up hundreds of feet to the tops of tall trees. Again, some bamboo (D. Gigantium) are so big that several strong men are required to lift even a single piece. Then, there are bamboo species as small as a little finger but hundreds to times stronger than its own size and tougher and more elastic than fiber glass.

For most plant species, there is a growing season, a dormant season, and in between, a short flowering and fruiting season. In Naga Land, there species which grow continuously day and night, month after month and season after season without any dormant period until they are big and nature bear fruits. Such species not only have leaves to manufacture their food, but have green trunks where food is manufactured as in a green and leafless cactus. Naturally, there are some of the fastest growing trees in the world. The alder (Alnus Nepalensis) of Naga Land and some cedrellas easily outgrow ever the fastest growing Eucalyptus. An individual sapling of Azadiracta species grew 1150 mm (3'10") in 13 days.

An interesting aspect of the flora of Naga Land is the abundance of edible wild plants and fruits. The number of edible plants found in the wild far out number domesticated vegetables. Even today wild vegetables from the forest constitute a very significant part of the food of the people. In fact, it would not be surprising if, in the coming decades, some wild plants became excellent domesticated vegetables.

Wild fruits are not only varied but are also quite plentiful. Wild grapes, wild apple, wild lemon, wild bananas, wild mangoes, wild walnut, wild mulberry, wild cherry and a host of other indigenous fruits are to be found. There are fruits sweet, sour and bitter and those with tastes in between without number. And today, some of the wild fruits are increasingly emerging as a very saleable commodity. Those living away from the villages relish the taste of wild fig which is perhaps the most abundant and saleable fruit of the forests. The domestication of some of the wild fruits could, in fact, add to the food variety of mankind

Similarly, the number of poisonous plants are also numerous.

Crocodile is not found in Naga Country but the monitor lizard of dry land of river water are available. Of all the animals with lungs, the lizard is perhaps the most silent and soundless. But, a flying lizard in the Naga Country is so vocal that it could easily beat any Cicada in an Olympic of sound. Snakes that can glide are also found in Naga Country.

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Answered by nutanparadkar14


About 1/6 of the area covered with tropical and subtropical

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