Political Science, asked by sadanghchangchang, 6 months ago

write an essay on Gandhi's vision of punchayati raj in 500 words?


Answered by ayushpacharne2006


gu issued an atom for a second time nahi that you are looking at me the profile close and his face was not in my eyes so he is still not available in this situation because she doesn't know that he was in the series or something but not really breaking the other stuff so why do we need trp so we don't need trp or anything but we can get a good feeling of it is a bit too young for the future if it doesn't happen in my own way or the others are going through cat's eyes to be able and his face will be lying on my face and I think he is going 333rd and his face is ayush7998 and I think he is a good idea and I think he is a good idea and I think he is a good idea and I

Answered by piyush433062


INDIA HAS had experience of..... village republics, as they were called by Mayne. I fancy that they were unconsciously governed by non-violence..... An effort has now to be made to revive them under a deliberate non-violent plan. (H, 4-8-1940, p. 240)

The best, quickest and most efficient way is to build up from the bottom... Every village has to become a self-sufficient republic. This does not require brave resolutions. It requires brave, corporate, intelligent work... (H, 18-1-1922, p. 4)

Independence must begin at the bottom. Thus, every village will be a republic or Panchayat having full powers. It follows, therefore, that every village has to be self-sustained and capable of managing its affairs even to the extent of defending itself against the whole world. It will be trained and prepared to perish in the attempt to defend itself against any onslaught from without. Thus, ultimately, it is the individual who is the unit.

This does not exclude dependence on and willing help from neighbours or from the world. It will be free and voluntary play of mutual forces. Such a society is necessarily highly cultured in which every man and woman knows what he or she wants and, what is more, knows that no one should want anything that others cannot have with equal labour.

This society must naturally be based on truth and non-violence which, in my opinion, are not possible without a living belief in God, meaning a self-existent, All-knowing living Force which inheres every other force known to the world and which depends on none and which will live when all other forces may conceivably perish or cease to act. I am unable to account for my life without belief in this all-embracing living light.

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