write an essay on health
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healthy mind is fresh mind are health keep us fit and healthy it is an thaugt that healty mind is afresh mind when mind is fresh and our brain is ready to do work it regulates our body cholestrol and reduce it and
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Recently, the government launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) aimed at correcting rural inequities in the matter of health. It correctly seeks to integrate health with those essential inputs in health, namely , sanitation, hygiene , safe drinking water, and nutrition. Most of the schemes and programmers initiated by our governments looks good on paper; where they fail is where it really masters-on the ground, in the implementation. The infrastructure devised- again on paper-for rural health delivery has little to find fault with, but the primary health centers and sub-centers, as we all know, are crumbling if they have not already collapsed. In place of a well structured delivery system of health care, there is a thriving sector of quacks. And by quacks, one does not necessarily mean practioners of the indigenous systems of medicine per se, but pretenders to all systems of medicine. Is that only because of paucity of funds, as government investment in the health sector is admittedly low as a proportion of the GDP? One hesitates to put all the blame on tically all our well-intentioned plans and programmers for the welfare of the people.
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