English, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

Write an essay on I woke up in my fairy tale?
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Answered by venukumarharitha

Have you ever read a book that left you in a daze? One of those truly magical reads that leaves you feeling as though you’ve just come back from a walk in the woods at twilight, the scent of pine needles still fresh in your mind.

As a reader, this is what I want from a book. I want to feel and experience something with the turn of a page, feel the woven magic of each word.  

As a writer, I want to open a window for my readers. I want the view to take them by surprise, to hear the catch in their breaths as they stand there, holding those shutters open and watch for the moment where they get completely, utterly and irrevocably… lost.  

What is a Fairy Tale?

When I'm asked what genre I write, I always pause a little before answering.

How do I explain that I write fairy tales without them automatically dismissing my writing as childish? How do I convey to a reader that my work is suitable for children, but can be understood at a much deeper, more subconscious level by an adult?

As a child, I always had a book in my hand. I loved reading more than dolls and toys, more than TV and even friends. But the tales I grew up with were not dark and frightening. They were lovely, full of brave knights and handsome princes that always saved the princess. These tales were something for children. They wrapped us up in a little bubble of happiness and filled little girls with the dream of one day being rescued, of one day having their own, perfect, happily ever after.

But these fairy tales I grew up reading were once something more.


Ancient stories fill this world. Stories that have been passed down for thousands of years well before being collected and preserved by the Brothers Grimm. Researchers believe that there are over 800 different variants of the Cinderella story across the world, dating back to ancient Greece where a historian wrote the tale he had recounted from ancient Egypt. (If you think Cinderella is just a sweet story created by Disney, think again. I recommend reading the Greek version of Cinderella. Gruesome stuff.) This is just mind blowing!

These old tales were powerful and frightening, eerily beautiful and dark.

They changed a little each time they were told, depending on the teller. Tales were told by revered storytellers as they sat by a fire, the night thick with shadows and only a few stars watching on, hoping they too would be mentioned in the telling. They were shared by passing travelers, passed down generation by generation from mother to daughter, father to son, helping to shape each of us on a deeper level.  

I was drawn to them—these old, strange, passed down tales. These tales that fascinated me so much, I wanted to create my own.  

I wanted to be a storyteller.

I wanted children to read my tales, but I also wanted adults to read and enjoy them too.  

So, when people ask me what genre I write, I tell them I write Fantasy (fairy tales are, after all, its sub-genre). I write dark fairy tales, in a folkloric style, whose meanings can be interpreted differently by each reader, because we’ve each been on our own adventures or are preparing for a journey that is yet to come.  

This is the real magic of fairy tales, not only do they offer us a brief escape from reality, but they have the power to make us re-evaluate our own story, to shape it, to stray from the path and embrace the shadows that grow inside us all.

Morals & Lessons to Learn

The thing I love most about writing fairy tales is that anything goes.

Your imagination is free to come up with all sorts of strange and wonderful things, and the power of make believe is able to follow the reader from childhood into adulthood. But there are, like with any other mediums, a few rules to follow. A formula of sorts.writing a fairy tale

If you have read fairy tales or even modern retellings, you will notice that they all have a bit of a pattern to them. The more you read, the more you will start to take notice of how each story has been written, the care taken to lead you, the reader, through the journey from beginning to end. During this journey, the reader will discover a moral or a life lesson to be learnt.  

Cinderella, a well-known tale, carries with it some important lessons:

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